5G small cell millimeter wave studies

5G millimeter wave research exists – take a look!

This is a collection of over 27,000 EMF studies published in journals, maintained in Germany. This collection is searchable. EnterĀ “millimeter wave” into the site search therein to see many pages of studies you may click on to view the harmful effects of millimeter waves, set to be unleashed on our country in the coming months in the form of 5G wireless small cells.


In addition, we know that one millimeter wave frequency approved by the FCC for utilization with 5G has been used in a military weapon designed to make people feel as if their skin is burning. It is called “Active Denial” and causes “an intolerable heating sensation” when people are in its beam. Learn more on this DOD site describing Active Denial. This is consistent with studies done regarding the health impacts of millimeter wave frequencies and biological beings.

It is totally unconscionable that the FCC would have approved the use of millimeter waves to blanket our communities, all over the USA; a terrible experiment that scientists say will be disastrous. This plan is comparable, but more pervasive, than what has been used in warfare by the Nazi’s and others, against targeted peoples, and such experimentation, even by doctors or scientists, is forbidden by the Nuremberg Code.

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