EMF/RF Research on Smart Meter Dangers website (5,000 + peer-reviewed studies, independent research, applies to all sources of EMF/RF – that’s electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiofrequency radiation (RF). Position Statements of Independent Scientists, Physicians, and Experts on EMF/RF Exposures and Health Independent scientists, physicians, and researchers have produced at least 20,000 peer-reviewed studies that show […]
Archive | Public Health Alert
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012)
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012) Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP)’s Rebuttal Testimony, filed with CPUC on Oct. 26, 2012. Contains updated CEP position on opt-out fees, zone of safety, and safety considerations related to RF emissions from smart meters.
AAEM Position Against Wi-Fi in Schools (Oct. 3, 2012)
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Statement on WiFi in Schools Adverse health effects from wireless radio frequency fields, such as learning disabilities, altered immune responses, and headaches, clearly exist and are well documented in the scientific literature. Safer technology, such as use of hard-wiring, is strongly recommended in schools. Approved by the American Academy […]
[Italian] court ruling links mobile phone use to tumor
Above: ICEMS Position Paper on Cerebral Tumor Court Case International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety’s (ICEMS) position paper on Italian court case (Oct. 2012) assigning damages based on cancer injury by cell phone. ————————————————————— News article: Italy court ruling links mobile phone use to tumor http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/19/us-italy-phones-idUSBRE89I0V320121019 ROME | Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:29pm EDT (Reuters) – […]
Board of Ed Wi-Fi Dangers Letter (Johansson, Oct. 5, 2012)
Board of Education Wi-Fi Dangers Letter (Johansson, Oct. 5, 2012) [Letter from Olle Johansson to Greater Victoria School District 61 – Board of Education – Wi-Fi – Letter of information – October 5, 2012]
WiFi in schools proven dangerous
WiFi causes heart problems, headaches and other neurological disorders in children. Canadian Documentary exposes the truth. More info at http://www.magdahavas.com You can’t see it but it’s everywhere. WiFi connects computers to the internet, no cords required. Now kids are using it in wireless classrooms across the country. But is it an invisible danger? Carolyn Jarvis […]
Wi Fi Technology Explained in a Simple Manner
LINKS FROM THE VIDEO BELOW Is this the “smoking gun” that proves how dangerous Wi-Fi is? In 2004 a Swiss mobile carrier patented a router design that was intended to reduce or eliminate part of the radiation emitted by Wi-Fi routers and transmitters due to cancer concerns/DNA damage. Watch the 5 minute video. A simple […]
WiFi Affects The Heart
From October 2010: A simple provocation study to test the effects of Wi-Fi on the heart. Based on the results of this study why isn’t Health Canada replicating the study given that the implications are very serious even life threatening? The full 14 minute investigative report can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN7VetsCR2I Category: Science & Technology […]
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity (Havas)
http://www.next-up.org/pdf/Magda_Havas_EHS_Biological_Effets_Electricity_Emphasis_Diabetes_Multiple_Sclerosis.pdf (TO READ AS PDF CLICK ABOVE LINK) Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 259–268, 2006 Copyright © Informa Healthcare ISSN 1536-8378 print DOI: 10.1080/15368370601044192 Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity with Emphasis on Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis MAGDA HAVAS Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Dirty electricity is a ubiquitous pollutant. […]
The Gathering Brainstorm: Wi-Fi, WiMax, and Cell Towers (Masts)
http://www.mast-victims.org/resources/docs/ecologist_wi-fi_article.pdf The Gathering Brainstorm, an article published in the Ecologist in 2007, covers the history and dangers of wi-fi, WiMax, and cell towers (phone masts) and other wireless technologies, heralding today’s onslaught of these technologies being deployed everywhere.