Safer Technology for Schools Maryland Medical Doctors Are Calling On Schools To Use Safe Technology Read Doctor’s Letters And Watch This New Updated Trailer For An Upcoming Movie on Children and Wireless Radiation The link above contains a long list of warnings about wifi, sent in letters to school districts by prominent scientists and physicians, including physician […]
Archive | International Electrosmog Prevention News
UK: Woman says Wi-Fi allergy killed her daughter
The following article is extremely disturbing, because a teenaged girl in the United Kingdom, subjected to wifi at her school, and with apparent, reported signs of electrohypersensitivity to rf radiation is now dead – a suicide. She was alleged to have been forced to sit near routers that made her repeatedly sick in school. With […]
Medical Screening of EHS Patients – A Scientific Paper
Scientists and physicians are on their way to identifying the means to screen electrohypersensitive (EHS) patients via blood panels, as this 2014 study explains. In this study, preliminary results identified genetic markers predisposing individuals to development of EHS. (CEP Director) Click here: Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive Subjects as a Feasible Tool for […]
Renowned Swedish Oncologist & WHO Researcher Warns About School Wi-Fi
Dr. Lennart Hardell, a Swedish oncologist and professor, part of the WHO evaluation group for rf radiation and health, a world-renowned researcher in cancer epidemiology and rf (radiofrequency) radiation exposures, recently co-authored this letter to a USA school district, warning its administrators of the dire health risks to children from schoolwide wi-fi. CLICK HERE: Montgomery […]
Update on International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology
Thanks to Dr. Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley’s School of Health, we have an update on the increasing number of world scientists issuing an appeal for the UN and World Health Organization to protect the world population from the growing disaster of exponentially increasing, harmful electrosmog pollution. (CEP Director) Update on International Scientist Appeal on […]
Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Can Kill
Is your cellphone worth risking this? Please click below to watch this video and avoid what happened to this young father. Jimmy Gonzalez “Cell Phones Cause Cancer“ Jimmy Gonzalez, a vibrant 42 year old former marine, father of two young children and attorney paid with his life because he […]
Electrosmog: The New Environmental Health Toxin? A lecture by Martin Pall, PhD
Electrosmog: The New Environmental Health Toxin?: How electromagnetic fields harm health. A lecture on the discovery of the mechanism, at the cellular level, by which EMF’s cause bioeffects and disease, presented recently in Norway by Dr. Martin Pall (PhD), researcher and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at WSU, is available here. Though […]
CEP Files Motion to Include Safety in CPUC Smart Meter Opt-Out Proceeding
or Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) has filed a Motion for the CPUC judge, Amy Yip-Kikugawa, to broaden the scope of the proceeding to include safety. CEP is a California-based nonprofit and formal participant in the Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). [CEP’S MOTION TO INCLUDE SAFETY IN SMART METER OPT-OUT PROCEEDINGS:] 1 BEFORE […]
Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure (July 9, 2014)
Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure More than 50 scientists from 18 nations called on government to minimize the public’s exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless devices including cell and cordless phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters and baby monitors. [CEP note: Canada’s Safety Code 6 is virtually the same as […]
Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention
Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention It makes sense to eliminate known triggers that impact learning and attention. Awareness of these triggers can lead to reduced toxic exposures and thus, can help provide optimum environments for academic improvement as well as prevention of future health problems. Our children’s academic success and health […]