
Electrosensitivity Discrimination in Healthcare

People who are electrosensitive (sensitive to rf radiation and other strong EMF fields) – and those who are not (yet) electrosensitive but do not wish to be exposed to these fields, or to expose senior citizens or children to them – often find it hard, if not impossible, to receive even routine medical care.

The reasons include:

  1. Increasing use of strong wifi in medical offices and hospitals
  2. Physician use of wifi-enabled laptops, tablets, and cell phones in close proximity to patients
  3. Antennas and cell towers located next to or on top of health facilities
  4. Use of cell phones in waiting rooms and patient care rooms
  5. Use of strong routers in medical offices for enhanced wifi and other wireless devices, located in or near waiting rooms and patient care rooms.
  6. Wireless televisions in waiting rooms.

People who are electrosensitive can develop, within seconds of exposure to strong rf radiation fields (above 0.003 milliwatts per meter squared) many unpleasant symptoms. These may include headaches, heart palpitations that can cause a feeling of weakness, dizziness, disorientation, fainting, nausea, prickling of the skin on the head, a flu-like feeling, ringing of the ears, vision changes, changes in blood pressure, insomnia later that night, and more … and these may last weeks following the initial exposure. These symptoms may also be felt by persons not electrosensitive, as rf radiation, to this degree, does not occur naturally on earth, and according to the results of thousands of scientific studies, all biological beings can be negatively impacted. In addition to feeling ill while in the presence of this strong, unhealthful rf radiation exposure, the World Health Organization, the National Toxicology Program, and State of CA Department of Health have determined, based on examination of the results of independent research, that this type of radiation is also a significant cancer risk.

This situation may be seen as comparable to not having ramps for people in wheelchairs or with problems walking up stairs, once a hindrance for those wanting to access public places, including medical offices and hospitals.

When reporting this problem to the local medical provider(s), do so with a witness present, if possible, and you may consider audio or video taping their response, for your own record.

What can be done? We urge you to:

  1. Protest this unhealthful situation with your local physicians and hospitals
  2. Request that the office shut off its internet routers while you are there.
  3. Request that the office not allow people to use cell phones in the waiting room, with large posted signs.
  4. File a discrimination complaint with the Office of Civil Rights.
  5. File a discrimination complaint with your state (see your state discrimination laws impacting the disabled).
  6. File a complaint with the (federal) Office of the Inspector General (The Office of Inspector General is at the forefront of the Nation’s efforts to fight waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid and more than 300 other U.S. Department of Health & Human Services programs. )
  7. File a State Medical Board complaint regarding lack of access.

For more information on discrimination law and filing suggestions, click here and here. Though these articles reference involuntary smart meter exposure, the situation is similar, and involuntary.

People must not be subjected to harmful rf radiation in order to receive healthcare!

If you have filed a discrimination complaint, please let us know, sending a short description of the complaint and those to whom it was made. Also, any results you wish to share.

Together, we can right this wrong!

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Copyright Center for Electrosmog Prevention 2011-2019