A new report commissioned by the European Union admits it 5G is a massive experiment. The EU reports “concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G.” The EU report further reveals there has been no way to predict or […]
Tag Archives | warning

Ramona Call to Action: Stop 5G small cells
From the Ramona Patch: Tell Board of Supervisors to keep mini-cell towers away from our homes and schools Ramona and All Unincorporated County Call to Action: Stop 5G mini-cell towers from being placed in front of your homes On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously voted to allow hazardous high-radiation-emitting […]
5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype (Moskowitz)
5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley The CTIA, the wireless industry trade association, has launched an advertising campaign entitled, “The Global Race to 5G.” The ads claim that unless the U.S. wins this “global race” to […]
HR 530 (Eshoo, CA) challenges FCC small cell orders
ESHOO INTRODUCES LEGISLATION TO RESTORE LOCAL CONTROL IN DEPLOYMENT OF 5G [Note: CEP is pleased to see HR 530 challenges the FCC’s authority to dictate to local governments how they should handle 5G, but finds it disturbing that Congresswoman Eshoo is not acknowledging in this bill that scientists are saying 5G is unsafe. Rather, this […]
5G harmful to birds, insects, and plants

Stop Global WIFI
Currently, a large number of technology companies are working on plans and even implementation (such as SpaceX) to offer WIFI from satellites (space), in order to make a profit and achieve global access. This is being planned seemingly without consideration for the serious health impacts, including cancers, which at least 237 scientists have warned the […]

Electrosensitivity Discrimination in Healthcare
People who are electrosensitive (sensitive to rf radiation and other strong EMF fields) – and those who are not (yet) electrosensitive but do not wish to be exposed to these fields, or to expose senior citizens or children to them – often find it hard, if not impossible, to receive even routine medical care. The […]

Recent research showing dangers of wifi for children and adults
Recent Research on the Effects of Exposure to Wi-Fi Radiation (Updated May 11, 2018) Scientific research proving wifi is dangerous to health. https://www.saferemr.com/2015/09/recent-research-on-wifi-effects.html from the website of Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director of the School of Public Health, UC Berkeley, CA Also, an important article from Forbes Magazine (Jan. 15, 2015) – reasons to get wifi […]

Why 5G brings a dangerous new form of cell towers
5G is a hazardous new cellular technology currently being installed in the United States and Europe. Hundreds of scientists studying the impact of rf radiation on health are warning that 5G is very dangerous, and have signed a statement explaining why. Yet wireless companies are proceeding with the blessings of our well-lobbied and well-paid-off governments, […]

SDG&E & CA Smart Meter Opt-out Update 3/22/18
You can now have smart meters removed from your home if you are a CA gas or electric utility customer. So-called “smart” utility meters are dangerous to your health, say independent physicians and scientists studying the pulsed rf radiation they emit. Help your family remain healthy! Opt-out, today! Assist your child to concentrate more in […]