This Local Gov’t 5G Letter (for any locale) may be used with any town, city, or county government. It can be downloaded or copied and pasted into an email, and then personalized with your local elected official’s name and your name and address, and sent via USPS or emailed. We advise sending it quickly as […]
Tag Archives | stop 5G
5G experimentation admitted by EU in new report
A new report commissioned by the European Union admits it 5G is a massive experiment. The EU reports “concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G.” The EU report further reveals there has been no way to predict or […]

Ramona Call to Action: Stop 5G small cells
From the Ramona Patch: Tell Board of Supervisors to keep mini-cell towers away from our homes and schools Ramona and All Unincorporated County Call to Action: Stop 5G mini-cell towers from being placed in front of your homes On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously voted to allow hazardous high-radiation-emitting […]
5G and the FCC
5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care An expert blog article posted on the NRDC website. Explains the two new FCC orders designed to facilitate the deployment of 5G across the USA, the history of FCC actions concerning wireless, and its current stance.

California Sierra Club Conservation Committee Opposes 5G
Feb. 9, 2019: The California Sierra Club’s Conservation Committee passed a resolution requesting National Sierra Club take an oppose position to the deployment of 5G and small cell technology without local input and environmental review. (Page 1 of 3) Sierra Club California Resolution Adopted by the Sierra Club California Conservation Committee, February 9, 2019 Sierra […]

Public Health Alert: 5G small wireless cells a hazard
Hundreds of informed scientists and physicians insist the new 5G wireless cells, currently either getting ready for installation or recently installed on poles outside your home, are a serious menace to public health! 5G small cells can be placed right in front of your home beaming harmful, continuous, millimeter microwave radiation into your yard and home. […]

Plumas County CA not listening to residents on 5G dangers, fire hazards
Jan. 23, 2019: Plumas County’s Planning Group and BOS seem to be ignoring County residents‘ 5G rf radiation, fire hazards, and many other concerns, who packed meetings for the past year, to alert elected officials of the dangers of 5G and more cell towers in an already fire-prone area of Northern CA. This article, containing […]
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]
How to oppose small cell 5G towers (EMF Safety Network)
How to oppose 5G “small cell” towers Ideas from EMF Safety Network on how to oppose 5G “small cell” towers: 1. Watch for local gov’t planning dept applications for “small cell” towers, even if they deny it is 5G. 2. Educate community and local elected officials about risks of rf radiation and 5G. Even though […]

Wireless tech killing insects worldwide – 5G worst of all
An expert on insects explains how wireless technology and particularly, 5G wireless cells, are destroying and will increasingly destroy insects, worldwide. Guess what? No insects, no food chain – no humans, no animals, no life. All so we can play with wireless toys? Think about stopping 5G from being installed in your community. Boycott 5G […]