Wifi, EMFs : Electrosensitivity (ES, EHS) physiologically explained at last – 15/03/2012 FRANCE In 2007, a number of libraries employees in Paris complained about headaches, nausea… right after massive installation of wifi emitters in their offices. This led to a fight between Paris’ city hall and worker unions (giving way to the set up of […]
Tag Archives | smartmeters
Baraboo, WI bullies great-grandmother about Smart Meters
Audrey, a smart and courageous grandmother in Baraboo, Wisconsin, may be compared to Rosa Parks, as she is taking a stand against municipal smart water meters due to concerns about health, privacy, and civil rights. It appears Audrey is being disgracefully bullied by her municipal water district in Baraboo, WI, and by the town Mayor, […]
Scientists and Physicians on Smart Meters
A collection of independent experts, scientists, and physicians’ position statements on smart meters and health. To send us any we are missing, email us at info@electrosmogprevention.org with the statement.
Maine Supreme Court smart meter ruling: PUC failed to address concerns
Maine’s Supreme Court has determined that Maine’s Public Utility Commission failed to address health and safety issues before it authorized the deployment of smart meters statewide. (July 12, 2012) ————————————————————————————– (AP) Maine’s highest court agrees with critics who say state regulators failed to adequately address safety concerns about so-called smart meters. But it’s unknown what […]
Multimedia Presentations on Wireless & Health
Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution and Electromagnetic Radiation: A Scientific Overview Part One (30 minutes) Part Two (30 minutes) Electromagnetic Radiation: A Scientific Overview by the late Dr. Theodore Litovitz, physicist, Catholic University of America (24 minutes) A MUST-WATCH! Avaliable only online, “Electrical Hypersensitivity and the Health Risks of RF Exposure […]
How to File an Accommodation Letter / Discrimination Complaint Associated with RF Radiation from Smart Meters
People with disabilities and medical conditions may feel they are being discriminated against – involuntarily exposed to RF radiation from smart meters on their property or neighboring properties that may cause harm, risk, exacerbate an existing condition, or are being charged fees to opt-out of smart meters for medical reasons (illegal surcharge). Accommodations may be […]
Where Smart Meters Are Optional / Free or Fee
Image above: Mashup by Juan Wilson of Lucky Strike ad featuring a recommendation by 20,679 physicians attesting that Luckies are less irritating because they are “toasted” providing protection against irritation and cough.. from (http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/20334.aspx). (If you know of any corrections or additions to make to this list, email info@electrosmogprevention.org) SMART METERS ARE […]
Smart Grid Safety – Public Utility Code – CA
Smart Grid – Public Utility Code – CA Note bolded sections that refer to the smart grid system required to be safe and shall be implemented in a manner that does not compromise customer or worker safety. The smart grid is not safe, nor is it secure. Therefore, CA state law is being broken. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=puc&group=08001-09000&file=8360-8369 […]
AAEM Calls for Smart Meter Moratorium (Jan. 2012)
American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for a moratorium on Smart Meter installations (Jan. 19, 2012) (sent to CPUC Commissioner Peevey) January 19, 2012 Proposed Decision of Commissioner Peevey (Mailed 1/22/2012) BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA On the proposed decision 11-03-014 Dear Commissioners: The Board of the American Academy of […]
AAEM: Advise Immediate Caution Smart Meters (April, 2012)
AAEM: Advise Immediate Caution re: Smart Meter Installation / Causality Studies Cited (April 12, 2012) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its position paper on electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) health effects calling for immediate caution regarding smart meter installation. Citing several peer‐reviewed scientific studies, the AAEM concludes that “significant harmful biological effects […]