Joint Statement on Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation from The Baby Safe Project We join together as physicians, scientists and educators to express our concern about the risk that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures. We recognize that the exquisitely delicate systems that direct the development of human […]
Tag Archives | smart meters

Smart meters overcharge – CPUC emails reveal coverup
CPUC caught promoting inaccurate smart utility meters, falsely touting report as independent. Smart meters, installed on every home by California’s utilities, can malfunction and overcharge customers, according to a raft of insider emails recently released by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC). CPUC engaged in a systematic coverup of smart meter accuracy problems while forcing […]
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest (March 10, 2015) UTILITIES FILE ADVICE LETTERS THAT COUNTER THE DECISION Following a late December CPUC “Smart Meter Opt-out” Decision intended to save utility customer costs by capping fees at three years and reading analog opt-out utility meters every two months, instead of monthly, SDG&E and other large California […]
CEP Goes to Sacramento, Shares Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Harm
CEP Shows CPUC Oversight Senators Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Dangers (March 4, 2015) Dear Friends, Yesterday, on behalf of our members and the general public, CEP’s attorney attended a CA State Senate CPUC Oversight Committee hearing in Sacramento, where, at my request, he handed each senator an informational Press Release concerning shocking revelations […]

ALERT! Implications of the Final CPUC Phase 2 Opt-0ut Decision 12/23/14
ATTENTION ALL CALIFORNIA UTILITY CUSTOMERS – ARE YOU OPTING OUT (OR CONSIDERING OPTING OUT) OF SMART METERS? THESE RECENT CPUC DECISIONS WILL IMPACT YOU! Center for Electrosmog Prevention has participated formally in the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Phase 1 and 2 proceedings and the Smart Grid proceedings, since May, 2011, representing utility customers for all […]

“Boil the Frog Slowly” Smart Meters radio interview with CEP director
CEP Files for Rehearing of CA Smart Meter Opt-out Decision Which Ignores Health and Safety (Jan. 21, 2015)
CEP’s filing requesting a rehearing of the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Decisionwas accepted by the CPUC on January 28, 2015 and published on the CPUC website. The CPUC Commission will rule on whether or not to grant CEP’s request and have the CPUC reopen Proceeding: A1103014; A1103015; A1107020, also known as “Phase Two of the […]
Legal Injunction Filed In Guam Over Smart Meters
See what citizens of Guam are doing to fight installation of smart meters with a legal injunction filed in 2012 that was allegedly “won”, according to someone involved with the case. Perhaps this will help others to see exactly how this was accomplished.

CEP Files Motion to Include Safety in CPUC Smart Meter Opt-Out Proceeding
or Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) has filed a Motion for the CPUC judge, Amy Yip-Kikugawa, to broaden the scope of the proceeding to include safety. CEP is a California-based nonprofit and formal participant in the Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). [CEP’S MOTION TO INCLUDE SAFETY IN SMART METER OPT-OUT PROCEEDINGS:] 1 BEFORE […]

Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure (July 9, 2014)
Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure More than 50 scientists from 18 nations called on government to minimize the public’s exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless devices including cell and cordless phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters and baby monitors. [CEP note: Canada’s Safety Code 6 is virtually the same as […]