For Immediate Release 5/09/12 Maine High Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Smart Meter Case [Contesting Fees for Analog Choice] Listen Live Contact: Ed Friedman, Lead Plaintiff: 666-3372 Bruce McGlauflin, Attorney for the Plaintiffs: 775-0200 When: Thursday, May 10 at 9:50am. Time allotted by court: 30 minutes. Where: Maine Supreme Judicial Court, Newbury […]
Tag Archives | smart meter

Benefits of Analog Meters Vs. Smart Meters – Why you should opt-out today!
According to some experts / reports by consumers: Analog (Electromechanical) Meters Smart Meters (Electronic) RF Radiation Exposure No YES Part of mesh network that blankets community with RF radiation No YES Health complaints No YES AAEM physicians’ association warnings about health effects No YES Santa Cruz Health Dept. warnings about RF radiation emissions No YES […]
Smart Meters and Wireless Blog Articles from La Mesa Patch
This series of articles on the online news source, La Mesa Patch (, by S. Brinchman, Director of Center for Electrosmog Prevention, is very popular, providing detailed information, media, and documents on the smart meter issue in California and beyond. La Mesa Patch articles have extensive commentary as well, that may be of interest to […]

Letter to California Public Utilities Commission from Dr. Olle Johansson of Karolinska Institutet
Read Dr. Olle Johansson’s Letter regarding SmartGrid / Smart Meter dangers to CPUC, July 9, 2011.
NEW UPDATED Anti-Smart Meter Brochure v.2 – full color, get some to share!
California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) Publishes ‘Smart’ Grid Educational Brochure- Copies Now Available Versions 1 & 2 are approved by CEP. Version 3 of this brochure, issued by Stop Smart Meters, has not been approved. The California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) is a new, non-partisan group of organizations and individuals helping […]

Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects
If you are an SDG&E or utility customer anywhere, you need to read this. Chances are near 100% that you already have a potentially dangerous new utility smart meter on your home and business, or will soon have one. from the La Mesa Patch, La Mesa, CA Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects […]
Scientist Warns of Smart Meter Dangers, July 9, 2011
Dr. Olle Johansson writes to the California Public Utility Commission to detail the dangers related to exposures to radiofrequency radiation, the establishment of a wireless smart grid and use of wireless smart meters. Dr. Johansson confirms “The recent determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) to include radiofrequent radiation on the 2B list of carcinogens also […]
World Health Organization (WHO) Places RF Radiation on 2B List of Carcinogens
Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use. Background Over the last few years, there has been mounting concern […]