Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields 18 new papers on electromagnetic fields and biology or health Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, November 14, 2018 [Dr. Joel Moskowitz, UC Berkeley School of Public Health has] been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once a month since August, […]
Tag Archives | smart meter
Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine (Journal editorial, Oct 18, 2018)
CEP Note: This editorial, published in a special issue of a major scientific journal today, summarizes the results of an international forum where the latest developments in biological and health effects of EMF’s were discussed, in June, 2017. This information provided courtesy of Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. His website, […]

Reasons to Say No to Smart Meters
Reasons-to-Say-No-to-Smart-Meters (Nov. 2017) Includes statements of scientists and physicians on dangers of rf radiation and smart meters. Useful for activists and those considering opting out of smart meters. SMART METERS HARM HEALTH: REASONS TO SAY NO TO SMART METERS Educational Smart Meter Speaker Packet, an educational resource packet to read, share, and use as a […]

Sign to Opt-Out of Smart Water Meters
DO NOT INSTALL “SMART” WATER METER SIGN Ramona Municipal Water District customers: To opt-out from “smart” water meters and continue use of an analog (old style) water meter: * Contact your water district to request the opt-out, in writing and by phone * Place sign inside water meter box (folded, in a large ziplock baggie) […]
Henry Lai RF Radiation 2017 Research Summaries Collections Links
Research Summaries [from Bioinitiative 2012, updated March 2017] Click Henry Lai’s Research Summaries to view on BioInitiative website. “These are invaluable sets of abstracts (data-based to be searchable) covering the RFR scientific literature, as well as collections of scientific abstracts on oxidative effects (from both RFR and ELF), and a set specific to Electrohypersensitivity. New […]

Wireless wake-up call – Jeromy Johnson
Jeromy Johnson, former Silicon Valley engineer, gave this excellent talk recently, at TedX, Berkeley, CA, about the dangers of wireless, with some practical tips for reducing exposure. Jeromy, a young man with a Masters Degree in Engineering and a former wireless technology enthusiast, shared his path to becoming electro-sensitive, following the placement of a bank of smart meters below his […]

How to identify and reduce electrosmog
Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) This is a practical guide for how to do so. See #3 and #4 below for steps to reduce RF radiation. Use of this article is covered by our disclaimer, see bottom of this page. 1. What are the recommended […]

Smart meters overcharge – CPUC emails reveal coverup
CPUC caught promoting inaccurate smart utility meters, falsely touting report as independent. Smart meters, installed on every home by California’s utilities, can malfunction and overcharge customers, according to a raft of insider emails recently released by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC). CPUC engaged in a systematic coverup of smart meter accuracy problems while forcing […]
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest (March 10, 2015) UTILITIES FILE ADVICE LETTERS THAT COUNTER THE DECISION Following a late December CPUC “Smart Meter Opt-out” Decision intended to save utility customer costs by capping fees at three years and reading analog opt-out utility meters every two months, instead of monthly, SDG&E and other large California […]
CEP Goes to Sacramento, Shares Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Harm
CEP Shows CPUC Oversight Senators Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Dangers (March 4, 2015) Dear Friends, Yesterday, on behalf of our members and the general public, CEP’s attorney attended a CA State Senate CPUC Oversight Committee hearing in Sacramento, where, at my request, he handed each senator an informational Press Release concerning shocking revelations […]