Is Your Computer Bugged? by Glenn Jacobs, Cyber Security Engineer, Carlsbad, CA This book provides the basic techniquest for making personal computers resistant to cyber attack. It can help prevent the devastating personal and financial consequences of cyber criminal activity. While focused on the Windows 7 operating system, the techniquest detailed in this book […]
Tag Archives | security

Smart Meters – Smarter Practices (Jamieson, for Radiation Research Trust) A must-read, professional article that provides the international, big picture related to smart meters, with known problems such as human rights, health concerns, security, privacy, and safety issues, and solutions. [Note: CEP does not approve of any smart meters due to infringement upon privacy and lack of any possible assurance of safety, even if […]

Cyber Security Expert D. Chalk: ‘Smart’ grid 100% vulnerable to attack
ALERT: New video w/ cyber security expert asks for media and gov’ts to take notice: Smart grid security issues: major – the electric grid is 100% hackable, including the smart meters. In the video below, security expert David Chalk warns of an international power grid failure worse than nuclear war from current smart grid practices […]