This week, a lawsuit has been filed in a California federal court alleging that health impacts from smart meters and the smart grid have occurred, causing injuries and losses, rendering a San Diego California resident to be unable to occupy her home or live in her home state of California. Celeste Deborah Cooney, who filed […]
Tag Archives | SDG&E

#1 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against opt-out fees, demanding no fees and banning smart meters. This meeting was […]
Calif: Speak Out Against Opt-out Fees at Local CPUC Meetings in December
The California Public Utilities Commission is holding public hearings in five California cities so that utility customers can comment on proposed modifications involving fees and billing for their ‘smart meter’ opt-out programs. This notice is adapted from those sent out by Ecological Options Network (EON) and CPUC. AGAINST SMART METER OPT-OUT FEES? AGAINST OPT-OUT FEES […]

CENTER FOR ELECTROSMOG PREVENTION WILL SPONSOR A PROTEST AGAINST SMART METERS THIS THURS. OCT. 4TH, IN ENCINITAS, CA. When: THURS, OCT. 4TH Time: 11 AM – 1 PM Where: corner of Encinitas Blvd and Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA Directions: See Encinitas Blvd & S Coast Highway 101Encinitas, CA 92024 on Mapquest From Hwy 5 take […]

Smart Meter Opt-out Forms & Flyers
CEP Smart Meter Opt-out & Other Flyers to Distribute in Your Neighborhood Click this link to access, download and print the original SDG&E Opt-out Request Form from the SDG&E site Select a CEP flier to email to your entire email list – or print, copy, and share with everyone in your community! Many of our […]
Link to SDG&E Opt-out Form to Use, Print, Email & Share
Direct link to original SDG&E smart meter opt-out application form to submit by mail, post, email, print and share widely. Give one to everyone you know, encourage them to fill it out and opt-out. The fees will be challenged and dropped, your health is most important. —————– To fill out and submit a SDG&E […]
Smart Meters and Wireless Blog Articles from La Mesa Patch
This series of articles on the online news source, La Mesa Patch (, by S. Brinchman, Director of Center for Electrosmog Prevention, is very popular, providing detailed information, media, and documents on the smart meter issue in California and beyond. La Mesa Patch articles have extensive commentary as well, that may be of interest to […]
SDG&E Opt-out Next Steps (4/19/12)
SG&E Opt-out Next Steps (from CPUC Opt-out Plan, Rev. 2, passed 4/19/12) 7. Next Steps As noted above, it is our desire to have the opt-out option implemented without undue delay. Consequently, SDG&E is directed to file a Tier 1 Advice Letter to implement a smart meter opt-out option for its AMI Project and to […]

ALERT: CPUC Passes SDG&E / SCE Opt-out Plans 4/19/12
(4/19/12) Today, the CPUC Commissioners unanimously passed both SDG&E and SCE opt-out proposals for the utilities’ embattled RF-radiation emitting smart meters. This will impact Southern California customers of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, two of the state’s three largest independently operated utilities. Residential customers of both utilities may now officially request that […]
NEW UPDATED Anti-Smart Meter Brochure v.2 – full color, get some to share!
California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) Publishes ‘Smart’ Grid Educational Brochure- Copies Now Available Versions 1 & 2 are approved by CEP. Version 3 of this brochure, issued by Stop Smart Meters, has not been approved. The California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) is a new, non-partisan group of organizations and individuals helping […]