Link to the Declaration of Curtis Bennett, of Canada, Infrared and Electricity Expert, pertaining to heating of tissues by wifi and CFIDS and RF radiation (said to be up by 30% in British Columbia since the institution of smart meters)
Tag Archives | schools

Updated: Parents Angered by Encinitas Cell Phone Towers
Click the top pic of the parent meeting to watch the NBC news segment video, filmed 1/9/13 at the Encinitas Public Library. Parents at an Encinitas, CA charter school, the San Diego County-Innovation Centre Encinitas | Julian Charter School are angry and very concerned about their children’s exposure to strong levels of radiofrequency radiation. They […]
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity (Havas) (TO READ AS PDF CLICK ABOVE LINK) Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 259–268, 2006 Copyright © Informa Healthcare ISSN 1536-8378 print DOI: 10.1080/15368370601044192 Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity with Emphasis on Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis MAGDA HAVAS Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Dirty electricity is a ubiquitous pollutant. […]
Israeli Health Minister Requests Halt of Wi-Fi in Schools “Stop Wi-Fi in schools, deputy health minister implores. Yaakov Litzman asks education minister to halt installation of wireless internet due to hazards of electromagnetic radiation.” “I fear lest the day come when we shall rue the irreversible damage visited on our children.” From the Times of Israel August 23, 2012 Deputy Health Minister Yaakov […]
WiFi in Schools: Amended Declaration of Dr. David Carpenter
To read as .pdf and be able to download, go to: Page 1 – Amended Declaration of Dr. David O. Carpenter, M.D. Shawn E. Abrell, WSB No. 41054, Pro Hac Vice 4614 SW Kelly Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97239 Tel.: 971.258.0333; Fax: 503.222.0693 E-Mail: Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs Tyl W. Bakker, OSB […]

Your Best Friend is NOT Wi-Fi
[Note: Smart meters utilize a powerful form of Wi-Fi in a mesh network. Help your child concentrate more in school by not being befuddled from a “smart” utility meter on the home. San Diego County Resident? Don’t forget to opt-out from smart meters – fill out the form at If you are on the […]
PETITION TO BAN WIFI IN SCHOOLS WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT A PETITION TO BAN WIFI IN SCHOOLS WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT This morning we have submitted a Petition to the Israeli Supreme Court requesting the SC to issue an injunction against the Ministry of Education and to order it to ban WIFI in Schools in Israel. The Plaintiffs are Dafna Tachover, […]
The BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools (Havas)
July 10, 2012. A few years ago we ranked schools in all the U.S. state capitals for the number and distance of cell phone antennas. Back then the major source of microwave radiation in the classroom was from these antennas. Things have changed. Now we have antennas inside schools for wireless internet. The BRAG Antenna […]
AAEM: WIFI in Schools Not Recommended
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Statement on WiFi in Schools Adverse health effects, such as learning disabilities, altered immune responses, headaches, ect. from wireless radio frequency fields do exist and are well documented in the scientific literature. Safer technology, such as using hard-wiring, must be seriously considered in schools for the safety of […]

Dr. Havas: Open Letter Wi-Fi in Schools #3 From the site of Magda Havas, PhD, expert on wireless: Open Letter Wi-Fi in Schools (#3) 2012 “May 2012. At the request of some teachers I have updated the open letter I wrote in May 2009 about Wi-Fi in the school environment. Much has happened during the past 3 years making it even more […]