Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution and Electromagnetic Radiation: A Scientific Overview Part One (30 minutes) Part Two (30 minutes) Electromagnetic Radiation: A Scientific Overview by the late Dr. Theodore Litovitz, physicist, Catholic University of America (24 minutes) A MUST-WATCH! Avaliable only online, “Electrical Hypersensitivity and the Health Risks of RF Exposure […]
Tag Archives | RF radiation
California State PTA Resolution On Wireless, Cellular Phones, Antennas
California State PTA Resolution On Wireless Equipment/Cellular Phones and Antennas (Jan. 2001) Fair Use Statement Submitted to: The California State Parents and Teachers Association By Fletcher Hills Elementary PTA, Unit #1378 Date: January 27, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. WHEREAS the third objective of the National PTA is to “secure adequate laws for […]

Dr. Havas: WiFi & WiMax
Dr. Magda Havas, world-renowned expert on wireless, offers these articles on WIFI at Dr. Havas’ main website,, is full of reliable information related to RF radiation exposures and electro-sensitivity. She has been instrumental in raising international scientific awareness on these topics. WiFi & WiMax Wi-Fi in Schools–Civil Action: Morrison v. Portland Public SchoolsJanuary […]
Radiofrequency Sickness: Symptoms, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis & Treatment
“No, Your Patient is Not Crazy” by Catherine Kleiber, Radiofrequency Sickness: Symptoms, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis & Treatment An excellent overview that you may share with your physician and health-conscious family members and friends!

50 Cell Phone & Wireless Safety Tips by Camilla Rees
“50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights”* Overview of Cell Phone & Wireless Technology Hazards by Camilla Rees, MBA, Founder and Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); Co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” ———————————————– 50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights by Camilla Rees, MBA, […]
Wi-Fi Action Kit
For the Wi-Fi Action Kit, provided by Citizens for Safe Technology (Canada) go to:,72,0 This Wi-Fi “Action Kit” offers an essential collection of informative, useful and active ways for parents, grandparents, teachers, caregivers and other concerned citizens to tackle the wireless issue in homes, schools and communities.
Disturbance of the Immune System by EM (Electromagnetic) Fields
Disturbance of the Immune System by EM (Electromagnetic) Fields (Dr. Olle Johansson, 2009) Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields—A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment Olle Johansson ∗ The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Pathophysiology, Received 23 […]

Letter to California Public Utilities Commission from Dr. Olle Johansson of Karolinska Institutet
Read Dr. Olle Johansson’s Letter regarding SmartGrid / Smart Meter dangers to CPUC, July 9, 2011.
cell Brain Tumor Pandemic—DNA Impacts from Mobile Phones Implicated in New Analysis
December 24, 2011 press release regarding a new analysis in the journal Neurology & Neurophysiology in a special issue of the journal titled “Brain Tumor” Click here to read the article with a link to the paper >> The study raises very serious concerns about the potential for a large increase in brain cancer incidence, […]

Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects
If you are an SDG&E or utility customer anywhere, you need to read this. Chances are near 100% that you already have a potentially dangerous new utility smart meter on your home and business, or will soon have one. from the La Mesa Patch, La Mesa, CA Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects […]