A must-read overview of the smart meters and public health issue. Looming Health Crisis: Wireless Technology and the Toxification of America (click for full article) by Prof. James F. Tracy “Because of power companies’ stealth rollout of smart meters a large majority of the public still remains unaware of the dangers they pose to human […]
Tag Archives | public health

Dr. Havas: WiFi & WiMax
Dr. Magda Havas, world-renowned expert on wireless, offers these articles on WIFI at http://www.magdahavas.com/category/electrosmog-exposure/wifi-wimax Dr. Havas’ main website, www.magdahavas.com, is full of reliable information related to RF radiation exposures and electro-sensitivity. She has been instrumental in raising international scientific awareness on these topics. WiFi & WiMax Wi-Fi in Schools–Civil Action: Morrison v. Portland Public SchoolsJanuary […]
Scientist, Physician, Public Health Experts: “Smart Meters & Health”
A collection of letters and position statements on Smart Meters by independent (non-utility-affiliated) scientists, physicians, researchers, and public health experts, pertaining to the very real dangers of smart meters.
Wi-Fi Action Kit
For the Wi-Fi Action Kit, provided by Citizens for Safe Technology (Canada) go to: http://citizensforsafetechnology.org/wi-fi-action-kit-in-schools-children-and-families,72,0 This Wi-Fi “Action Kit” offers an essential collection of informative, useful and active ways for parents, grandparents, teachers, caregivers and other concerned citizens to tackle the wireless issue in homes, schools and communities.

‘The biggest experiment of our species’: With five billion mobile users in the world, conference calls for research into potential brain cancer risks
‘The biggest experiment of our species’: With five billion mobile users in the world, conference calls for research into potential brain cancer risks Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2134382/Risks-biggest-technological-experiment-history-species-Calls-research-links-using-mobile-phones-brain-cancer.html#ixzz1t3U6hbSX Scientists at London conference call for independent research into potential links between using a mobile phone and brain cancer Figures from ONS show 50 per cent increase in brain […]

Cell Tower Microwave Radiation Presentation by Magda Havas
In March 2012, Professor Magda Havas of Trent University gave a one hour presentation to the citizens of Oakville Ontario Canada that demonstrated the amount of microwave emissions that are emitted by cell phone antenna. The audience in attendance were mostly members of the local community of Bronte that were concerned about 6 additional cell […]
NEW UPDATED Anti-Smart Meter Brochure v.2 – full color, get some to share!
California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) Publishes ‘Smart’ Grid Educational Brochure- Copies Now Available Versions 1 & 2 are approved by CEP. Version 3 of this brochure, issued by Stop Smart Meters, has not been approved. The California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) is a new, non-partisan group of organizations and individuals helping […]

Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects
If you are an SDG&E or utility customer anywhere, you need to read this. Chances are near 100% that you already have a potentially dangerous new utility smart meter on your home and business, or will soon have one. from the La Mesa Patch, La Mesa, CA Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects […]
Scientist Warns of Smart Meter Dangers, July 9, 2011
Dr. Olle Johansson writes to the California Public Utility Commission to detail the dangers related to exposures to radiofrequency radiation, the establishment of a wireless smart grid and use of wireless smart meters. Dr. Johansson confirms “The recent determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) to include radiofrequent radiation on the 2B list of carcinogens also […]
Neurosurgeon: ‘Your Cell Phone Is Not Necessarily a Safe Device”
Aired on PBS, May 31, 2011 A World Health Organization panel of 31 scientists raised some concerns Tuesday when they reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” and may be associated with “some risk” for brain cancer. But the group also called for further study. Jeffery Brown discusses concerns and precautions with neurosurgeon Keith Black. […]