CEP participated in the CPUC Consolidated Utilities Opt-out Prehearing Conference (PHC) in San Francisco, held May 16, 2012. Our statement was recognized and referred to in discussions, along with those of other Parties to the CPUC proceeding. Embedded above is the transcript from the PHC meeting. Videos of the entire meeting by EON: ‘Smart Meter’ […]
Tag Archives | prehearing conference

CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out PHC Pt. 3 of 3
(May 16, 2012) Audio of CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Prehearing Conference for Phase 2 (PHC) in 3 parts, part 3. Location: San Francisco, CA. CPUC meeting for Parties to Consolidated Smart Meter Opt-out Proceeding(s) A.11-03-014 et al. The purpose of the PHC was to discuss the scope and procedural schedule for this consolidated proceeding pursuant […]

CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out PHC Pt. 2 of 3
(May 16, 2012) Audio of CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Prehearing Conference for Phase 2 (PHC) in 3 parts, part 2. Location: San Francisco, CA. CPUC meeting for Parties to Consolidated Smart Meter Opt-out Proceeding(s) A.11-03-014 et al. The purpose of the PHC was to discuss the scope and procedural schedule for this consolidated proceeding pursuant […]

CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out PHC Pt. 1 of 3
(May 16, 2012) Audio of CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Prehearing Conference for Phase 2 (PHC) in 3 parts, part 1. Location: San Francisco, CA. CPUC meeting for Parties to Consolidated Smart Meter Opt-out Proceeding(s) A.11-03-014 et al. The purpose of the PHC was to discuss the scope and procedural schedule for this consolidated proceeding pursuant […]