California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on smart meter opt-out fees held in five regions of CA in Dec., 2012. CPUC official transcripts of meeting held in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Clemente, and Santa Rosa , California, which occurred in that order. Many speakers complaining of health impacts of smart meters. None […]
Tag Archives | PPH

#2 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
# 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12 Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against […]

#1 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against opt-out fees, demanding no fees and banning smart meters. This meeting was […]
Calif: Speak Out Against Opt-out Fees at Local CPUC Meetings in December
The California Public Utilities Commission is holding public hearings in five California cities so that utility customers can comment on proposed modifications involving fees and billing for their ‘smart meter’ opt-out programs. This notice is adapted from those sent out by Ecological Options Network (EON) and CPUC. AGAINST SMART METER OPT-OUT FEES? AGAINST OPT-OUT FEES […]