Click here: Woman Sues SDG&E Over Smart Meters – Video – KGTV San Diego 4/24/12 First San Diego TV news coverage of the smart meters’ opt-out and health issues – lawsuit part is incorrect – reporter confused Brinchman, Director of CEP’s CPUC proceedings w/a civil suit. There is no lawsuit (yet), though one (or […]
Tag Archives | opt-out
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joshua Hart, Director, Stop Smart Meters! Wednesday April 25th, 2012 (phone available to media, contact by email) CA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: PG&E SMART METER OPT OUT FEES “SUSPENDED” Utility Lacks Authority to Force Smart Meters or Charge Fees to Keep Analog Meters San Francisco, CA- Though PG&E’s arbitrary “deadline” of […]

ALERT: CPUC Passes SDG&E / SCE Opt-out Plans 4/19/12
(4/19/12) Today, the CPUC Commissioners unanimously passed both SDG&E and SCE opt-out proposals for the utilities’ embattled RF-radiation emitting smart meters. This will impact Southern California customers of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, two of the state’s three largest independently operated utilities. Residential customers of both utilities may now officially request that […]
NEW UPDATED Anti-Smart Meter Brochure v.2 – full color, get some to share!
California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) Publishes ‘Smart’ Grid Educational Brochure- Copies Now Available Versions 1 & 2 are approved by CEP. Version 3 of this brochure, issued by Stop Smart Meters, has not been approved. The California Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (CCSSM) is a new, non-partisan group of organizations and individuals helping […]
World Health Organization (WHO) Places RF Radiation on 2B List of Carcinogens
Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use. Background Over the last few years, there has been mounting concern […]