California Opt-out CPUC Proceedings To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding you are interested in, then click Search. You will then see many pages of documents filed, in chronological order, by all Parties. […]
Tag Archives | opt-out fees
Calif: Speak Out Against Opt-out Fees at Local CPUC Meetings in December
The California Public Utilities Commission is holding public hearings in five California cities so that utility customers can comment on proposed modifications involving fees and billing for their ‘smart meter’ opt-out programs. This notice is adapted from those sent out by Ecological Options Network (EON) and CPUC. AGAINST SMART METER OPT-OUT FEES? AGAINST OPT-OUT FEES […]
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012)
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012) Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP)’s Rebuttal Testimony, filed with CPUC on Oct. 26, 2012. Contains updated CEP position on opt-out fees, zone of safety, and safety considerations related to RF emissions from smart meters.

CEP Files “No-Fees” Direct Testimony with CPUC (10.5.12)
CEP Director proposes: 1. No fees or costs for opt-outs from customers 2. An audit of costs and revenues claimed by the utilities for the opt-out program 3. Demonstrated, cost-efficient handling of opt-outs 4. Costs paid for by company and its investors 5. That CPUC oversight be examined 6. Smart meters and smart grid unsafe, […]

CENTER FOR ELECTROSMOG PREVENTION WILL SPONSOR A PROTEST AGAINST SMART METERS THIS THURS. OCT. 4TH, IN ENCINITAS, CA. When: THURS, OCT. 4TH Time: 11 AM – 1 PM Where: corner of Encinitas Blvd and Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA Directions: See Encinitas Blvd & S Coast Highway 101Encinitas, CA 92024 on Mapquest From Hwy 5 take […]

National Day of Action Against Smart Meters: October 4, 2012
Newly Formed Wireless Radiation Protection Coalition CALL TO ACTION: National Day of Action Against Smart Meters: October 4, 2012 Actions you can take: 1. Plan and participate in a protest in your area. Check the lists below for more info. 2. TELL PRESIDENT OBAMA THAT “SMART METERS ARE NOT THE KIND OF CHANGE WE NEED“! […]

Maine Supreme Court smart meter ruling: PUC failed to address concerns
Maine’s Supreme Court has determined that Maine’s Public Utility Commission failed to address health and safety issues before it authorized the deployment of smart meters statewide. (July 12, 2012) ————————————————————————————– (AP) Maine’s highest court agrees with critics who say state regulators failed to adequately address safety concerns about so-called smart meters. But it’s unknown what […]
EMF Safety Network Opening Brief: Smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law
This brief was filed by EMF Safety Network on July 13, 2012, concerning smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law, with the CPUC. Many very good points are made and the brief repeatedly calls for dropping the fees for all, not just limited to disabled, or those with medical conditions. ————————————– Brief filed by EMF […]

Updated: CA & Federal Laws Supporting No Opt-out Fees and Complaint Info
The following federal and CA state laws that appear to support no opt-out fees are listed below. This is not a complete list and CEP does not provide guidance nor legal assistance to interpret them. We recommend that you study the laws and use this information to assist your efforts to work on smart meter […]
Breaking: Southern California Edison Opt Out Fees Suspended
June 7, 2012 The ability of utilities to charge a fee to customers who refuse a smart meter was dealt a serious blow today in California. It appears that “opt out” fees for customers of Southern California Edison (SCE) have been placed on hold for 120 days pending a CPUC determination of whether the fees […]