
Tag Archives | mystery illness

Dr. Beatrice Golomb, UCSD researcher: pulsed rf microwave radiation source of diplomats’ illness

Dr. Beatrice Golomb M.D., PhD, of UCSD, San Diego, CA, well-known researcher , RF radiation health effects authority: evidence shows ill American diplomats in Cuba and China, show clear symptoms of illness from pulsed rf microwave radiation. [CEP Note: 5G microwave radiation is pulsed.] Her article, “Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation” has been […]

February 1, 2019 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Health Alerts: 5G Small Wireless Cells, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: Smart Meters

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