California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on smart meter opt-out fees held in five regions of CA in Dec., 2012. CPUC official transcripts of meeting held in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Clemente, and Santa Rosa , California, which occurred in that order. Many speakers complaining of health impacts of smart meters. None […]
Tag Archives | legal filings

Maine PUC denies CMP’s Motion to accept FCC’s RF Radiation Guidelines for Smart Meters
(Sept. 25, 2012) Maine PUC Meeting Today, Maine’s Public Utility Commissioners, for the time being, turned down a request by Spain-owned CMP, the state’s largest utility company, to accept the FCC’s RF radiation emission “standards” as applying to smart meters. (Sept. 25, 2012) Maine CPUC Meeting Commissioner Littell stated, ” They [CMP] ask us [in […]
WiFi in Schools: Amended Declaration of Dr. David Carpenter
To read as .pdf and be able to download, go to: Page 1 – Amended Declaration of Dr. David O. Carpenter, M.D. Shawn E. Abrell, WSB No. 41054, Pro Hac Vice 4614 SW Kelly Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97239 Tel.: 971.258.0333; Fax: 503.222.0693 E-Mail: Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs Tyl W. Bakker, OSB […]
EMF Safety Network Opening Brief: Smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law
This brief was filed by EMF Safety Network on July 13, 2012, concerning smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law, with the CPUC. Many very good points are made and the brief repeatedly calls for dropping the fees for all, not just limited to disabled, or those with medical conditions. ————————————– Brief filed by EMF […]

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2012
To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding you are interested in, then click Search. You will then see many pages of documents filed, in […]

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2011
Note: all documents are from 2011, though some labels may be 2012, working to correct title dates To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding […]

CEP Filings at CPUC 2011-2012
CEP’s Opt-out Plan is found herein: CEP Expanded Smart Meter Opt-Out Proposal for CPUC 8.18.11 ——————————————— Additional filings (approximately 30, to date) pertaining to the SDG&E opt-out proceeding, SCE opt-out proceeding, and the Smart Grid Deployment Plan proceeding by CEP may be found at CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: […]