URGENT ALERT: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) supports breaking research implicating smart meters with health impacts. A 92-case series by Dr. Federica Lamech has been reviewed by AAEM ; was found to be well-documented and scientifically valid. (CEP) “[This document] is more than just a description of case studies that show an irrefutable […]
Tag Archives | health impacts
Smart Meter Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court by San Diegan
This week, a lawsuit has been filed in a California federal court alleging that health impacts from smart meters and the smart grid have occurred, causing injuries and losses, rendering a San Diego California resident to be unable to occupy her home or live in her home state of California. Celeste Deborah Cooney, who filed […]
Brand new SMART METER HEALTH EFFECTS SURVEY: If you feel your health has been affected by smart meters, we request your immediate help in studying these effects. Follow the link below for more information and to participate in our 15 minute confidential survey on this subject. If you submit your survey by December 20, we […]

WI-FI Health & Enviro Effects (Havas)
From http://www.magdahavas.com/biography/ Biography Magda Havas is Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Dr. Havas received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, completed Post-Doctoral research at Cornell University, and taught at the University of Toronto before going to […]

Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects
If you are an SDG&E or utility customer anywhere, you need to read this. Chances are near 100% that you already have a potentially dangerous new utility smart meter on your home and business, or will soon have one. from the La Mesa Patch, La Mesa, CA Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects […]