A local UCSD researcher, Dr. Beatrice Golomb, who studies effects of microwaves on health and Gulf War Syndrome, speaks out against a CA state bill promoting 5G, in 2017. The bill didn’t pass in CA, but now (Feb. 2019) the FCC is trying to do the same thing (force 5G on everyone) that the bill […]
Tag Archives | health effects
Basic 5G Letter for Local Gov’t
Basic 5G Letter for Local Gov’t to send to your County officials (in San Diego County, the Board of Supervisors). Find your elected local government elected official and send it by USPS or email. Fill out the recipient address at the top and your signature and printed name, with address and date signed. If you […]
Generic Stop 5G letter for use with local gov’t
This Local Gov’t 5G Letter (for any locale) may be used with any town, city, or county government. It can be downloaded or copied and pasted into an email, and then personalized with your local elected official’s name and your name and address, and sent via USPS or emailed. We advise sending it quickly as […]

Tom Wheeler, former FCC Chair, 5G proponent, reveals why no safety testing
Tom Wheeler, former FCC Chair Nov. 2013 – Jan. 20, 2017, helped plan the 5G rollout. He describes in this video that it is the money to be made that is important, which is why they weren’t going to be slowed down by safety testing. “Prior to working at the FCC [appointed by President Obama], […]
Why RF radiation guidelines haven’t changed in 20+ years
The 5G Mass Experiment : ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields The above article is a review and extrapolation of a European journalism project to uncover the truth about rf guidelines and why they haven’t changed in over 20 years, even though they are at odds with current independent scientific findings. This project also reveals […]
5G experimentation admitted by EU in new report
A new report commissioned by the European Union admits it 5G is a massive experiment. The EU reports “concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G.” The EU report further reveals there has been no way to predict or […]

Ramona Call to Action: Stop 5G small cells
From the Ramona Patch: Tell Board of Supervisors to keep mini-cell towers away from our homes and schools Ramona and All Unincorporated County Call to Action: Stop 5G mini-cell towers from being placed in front of your homes On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously voted to allow hazardous high-radiation-emitting […]

Marin County Board of Supervisors’ Wireless Ordinance Workshop
Marin County BOS Full Wireless Ordinance Workshop begins at 00:37 Wireless presentation and legalities (37:54). County staff and attorneys present FCC ruling implications, complete with a Powerpoint, and status of lawsuit Marin County joined with other municipalities in a coalition, to challenge the FCC ruling (about 1:04). Speakers […]
CEP Press Release: County BOS to vote on 5G standards
Center for Electrosmog Prevention PRESS RELEASE San Diego County Board of Supervisors Poised to Vote on Adopting FCC’s Controversial 5G Wireless Facilities Standards Despite public opposition, San Diego county officials scramble to comply with widely disputed FCC rules to accelerate the mass rollout of 5G-ready wireless networks. San Diego, CA, February 8, 2019 […]
National City CA Small Cells Input
5G speeds: National City seeks public input for Small Cells Installation Mar 12, 2019 By: Rina Nakano 5G Speeds: National City asking for input on new “Small Cell” technology “NATIONAL CITY, Calif. (KGTV)– National City is asking the public for input on the “Small Cells” roll-out plan in preparation of 5G speeds. While some are […]