Reply Brief of Center for Electrosmog Prevention for A1103014, A1103015, A1107020 CEP filed a Reply Brief concerning smart meter opt-out fees, for Phase 2 of the Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings, CPUC, San Francisc, CA CEP suggests a no-fees opt-out, with a ban on smart meters, ultimately.
Tag Archives | fees
CPUC PPH Meetings Transcripts Dec. 2012
California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on smart meter opt-out fees held in five regions of CA in Dec., 2012. CPUC official transcripts of meeting held in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Clemente, and Santa Rosa , California, which occurred in that order. Many speakers complaining of health impacts of smart meters. None […]
Opening Briefs on Discrimination Laws & Opt-out Fees at CPUC
The following Opening Briefs have been filed with the Calif Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), pertaining to whether discrimination laws (ADA and Public Utility Code 453) apply to charging opt-out fees and answering several questions about community (community-wide) opt-outs. These briefs derived from a request in the SCOPING RULING of June 8, 2012, by Michael Peevey, […]

Maine Supreme Court smart meter ruling: PUC failed to address concerns
Maine’s Supreme Court has determined that Maine’s Public Utility Commission failed to address health and safety issues before it authorized the deployment of smart meters statewide. (July 12, 2012) ————————————————————————————– (AP) Maine’s highest court agrees with critics who say state regulators failed to adequately address safety concerns about so-called smart meters. But it’s unknown what […]