The 5G Mass Experiment : ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields The above article is a review and extrapolation of a European journalism project to uncover the truth about rf guidelines and why they haven’t changed in over 20 years, even though they are at odds with current independent scientific findings. This project also reveals […]
Tag Archives | FCC guidelines
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]

How to identify and reduce electrosmog
Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) This is a practical guide for how to do so. See #3 and #4 below for steps to reduce RF radiation. Use of this article is covered by our disclaimer, see bottom of this page. 1. What are the recommended […]

Wireless radiation- Extremely Important Action Opportunity – Deadline March 6, 2013
Are you concerned about radiofrequency (microwave) radiation emissions from smart meters, cellphones, WiFi, cellphone antennas, baby monitors etc or you are having health problems as a result of the FCC’s outdated physics-based radiofrequency radiation limits ? This is your chance to make your voice heard! Support biologically-based radiofrequency radiation safety limits or the FCC could […]

CEP Public Comments to FCC re: RF Guidelines Revision
FCC Revising Guidelines for RF Radiation: Public Comments Due Wed. 2/6/13 Revised CEP Public Comment submitted to FCC on 2.5.13 pertaining to these proceedings: 03-137 FCC Proposes Changes in the Commission’s Rules and Procedures Regarding Human Exposure to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Energy. 12-357 Service Rules for Advanced Wireless Services H Block et al. CEP has submitted […]

Maine PUC denies CMP’s Motion to accept FCC’s RF Radiation Guidelines for Smart Meters
(Sept. 25, 2012) Maine PUC Meeting Today, Maine’s Public Utility Commissioners, for the time being, turned down a request by Spain-owned CMP, the state’s largest utility company, to accept the FCC’s RF radiation emission “standards” as applying to smart meters. (Sept. 25, 2012) Maine CPUC Meeting Commissioner Littell stated, ” They [CMP] ask us [in […]