5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care An expert blog article posted on the NRDC website. Explains the two new FCC orders designed to facilitate the deployment of 5G across the USA, the history of FCC actions concerning wireless, and its current stance.
Tag Archives | FCC
CEP Press Release: County BOS to vote on 5G standards
Center for Electrosmog Prevention PRESS RELEASE San Diego County Board of Supervisors Poised to Vote on Adopting FCC’s Controversial 5G Wireless Facilities Standards Despite public opposition, San Diego county officials scramble to comply with widely disputed FCC rules to accelerate the mass rollout of 5G-ready wireless networks. San Diego, CA, February 8, 2019 […]
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]
FCC Fast Plan for 5G small cell wireless
This is the FCC’s reprehensible “fast plan” to force 5G down the throats of all communities in the United States. Click here to view FCC 5G Fast Plan

How “Big Wireless” tricked us regarding safety
The following article explains how the wireless industry (aka “big wireless”) created the lie that “wireless is safe” in the 1990’s, much as “big tobacco” did so for years with its dangerous product. In 2018, at this writing, it explains the dangerous but legal public exposure to microwave radiation from all wireless devices. These include […]
Senator Blumenthal, Rep. Eshoo question FCC on 5G Safety
Blumenthal Presses FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr to Disclose Evidence of ‘5G Safety’ December 03, 2018 05:43 PM Eastern Standard Time [PRESS RELEASE] WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) applauds Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) [CEP Note: and Rep. Anna Eshoo of Palo Alto, CA] for pressing FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, […]
FCC Needs Input about Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
FCC Needs Input about Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering changes to the exposure policy for radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the United States. The agency has requested comments be submitted by September 3, 2013. We need to deliver scientific information to policy makers in a credible and understandable fashion to protect […]

CEP Files FCC Reply Comment for RF Radiation Guidelines Proceedings
CEP has filed its Reply Comment to the FCC, pertaining to the ongoing proceedings re: RF guidelines revision. CEP has filed a Reply Comment today with the FCC, due by Tuesday, March 6th, midnight EST . To view our Reply Comment, click here. You can file one, too, using ours as an example. It is […]

Wireless radiation- Extremely Important Action Opportunity – Deadline March 6, 2013
Are you concerned about radiofrequency (microwave) radiation emissions from smart meters, cellphones, WiFi, cellphone antennas, baby monitors etc or you are having health problems as a result of the FCC’s outdated physics-based radiofrequency radiation limits ? This is your chance to make your voice heard! Support biologically-based radiofrequency radiation safety limits or the FCC could […]

SCWSSM Files FCC Comments re: Disabled and Wireless
FCC Filings of Southern Californians for a Wired Solution to Smart Meters (SCWSSM) pertaining to disabled and wireless, 2/6/13, in two FCC proceedings. http://bit.ly/14FYIvn SCWSSM informs FCC that they must consider disabled individuals with their RF radiation exposure (wireless) guidelines, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Public Comment B. Schnier (4) Exhibit 1: SCWSSM […]