How Exposure to Base-Station Radiation Can Adversely Affect Humans February 2002 by G. J. Hyland Department of Physics International Institute of Biophysics University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and International Institute of Biophysics Neuss-Holzheim, Germany The claim made by the Mobile Phone Industry that the microwave emissions from the antennae of a GSM or TETRA Base-station […]
Tag Archives | EMF
U.S. Antenna Permit Denied on Health Grounds
G23 Jan 2011 U.S. Antenna Permit Denied on Health Grounds Please disable Wi-Fi on Laguna Beach School Campuses U.S. Antenna Permit Denied on Health Grounds January 19, 2011 The Santa Fe Board of Adjustment heard an application filed by AT&T for a permit to install twelve antennas in the chimney of St. John’s Methodist […]

Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations
Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil Dode AC, et al, Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, Sci Total Environ (2011), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.05.051 Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo […]

Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From Cell Phones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice Tamir S. Aldad,1,2 Geliang Gan,2 Xiao-Bing Gao,2,3 and Hugh S. Taylora,1,2,4 1Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 2Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT […]

Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring
Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring March 15, 2012 Exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers have determined. The results, based on studies in mice, are published in the March 15 issue of […]

Antennas and Cell Towers Scientific Articles (Havas) IARC declares RF from Cell Phones and Cell Towers DangerousJanuary 5, 2012. In May of 2011, the IARC (International Association for Research on Cancer) declared radio frequency radiation as a possible cause of cancer. In this video you will listen to excerpts from the press conference and the related micromore Microwave Radiation Converted into […]

American Academy of Pediatrics Supports RF Protection
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has written a letter on 12/12/12 in support of HR6358 (“The Cellphone Right to Know Act”) and biologically-based rf radiation safety limits, expressing concerns for pregnant women, child and teens related to their cell phone use. AAP cites strong evidence that current FCC guidelines are not protective and […]

Center for Electrosmog Prevention End of Year Update 2012
View and share on Twitter: Center for Electrosmog Prevention End of Year Update – Dear Friend of Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP), We will face many challenges in our work to reduce electrosmog on a national basis in the year ahead. Did you know that most states will have smart meters installed shortly? That […]
CPUC PPH Meetings Transcripts Dec. 2012
California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on smart meter opt-out fees held in five regions of CA in Dec., 2012. CPUC official transcripts of meeting held in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Clemente, and Santa Rosa , California, which occurred in that order. Many speakers complaining of health impacts of smart meters. None […]
Smart Meter Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court by San Diegan
This week, a lawsuit has been filed in a California federal court alleging that health impacts from smart meters and the smart grid have occurred, causing injuries and losses, rendering a San Diego California resident to be unable to occupy her home or live in her home state of California. Celeste Deborah Cooney, who filed […]