Stop Funding Smart Grid Projects that Harm Americans Needed: 1,000+ signers by Dec. 31, 2012 Please sign our petition addressed to: President Obama, White House, US Congress, and Federal Agencies. —————- Stop Funding Smart Grid Projects that Harm Americans With President Obama’s full approval, the federal government is spending $3.4 billion on the development of […]
Tag Archives | cep

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2012
To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding you are interested in, then click Search. You will then see many pages of documents filed, in […]

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2011
Note: all documents are from 2011, though some labels may be 2012, working to correct title dates To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding […]

CEP Filings at CPUC 2011-2012
CEP’s Opt-out Plan is found herein: CEP Expanded Smart Meter Opt-Out Proposal for CPUC 8.18.11 ——————————————— Additional filings (approximately 30, to date) pertaining to the SDG&E opt-out proceeding, SCE opt-out proceeding, and the Smart Grid Deployment Plan proceeding by CEP may be found at CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: […]