Center for Electrosmog Prevention PRESS RELEASE San Diego County Board of Supervisors Poised to Vote on Adopting FCC’s Controversial 5G Wireless Facilities Standards Despite public opposition, San Diego county officials scramble to comply with widely disputed FCC rules to accelerate the mass rollout of 5G-ready wireless networks. San Diego, CA, February 8, 2019 […]
Tag Archives | Center for Electrosmog Prevention

CEP Public Comments to FCC re: RF Guidelines Revision
FCC Revising Guidelines for RF Radiation: Public Comments Due Wed. 2/6/13 Revised CEP Public Comment submitted to FCC on 2.5.13 pertaining to these proceedings: 03-137 FCC Proposes Changes in the Commission’s Rules and Procedures Regarding Human Exposure to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Energy. 12-357 Service Rules for Advanced Wireless Services H Block et al. CEP has submitted […]

Center for Electrosmog Prevention End of Year Update 2012
View and share on Twitter: Center for Electrosmog Prevention End of Year Update – Dear Friend of Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP), We will face many challenges in our work to reduce electrosmog on a national basis in the year ahead. Did you know that most states will have smart meters installed shortly? That […]

#2 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
# 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12 Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against […]
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012)
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012) Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP)’s Rebuttal Testimony, filed with CPUC on Oct. 26, 2012. Contains updated CEP position on opt-out fees, zone of safety, and safety considerations related to RF emissions from smart meters.

CEP’s Smart Meter Protest in Encinitas, CA
Smart Meter Protest in Encinitas, CA click title to read on Encinitas Patch, with 7 photos of protest, 6 videos (2 of protest), 14 pdf documents supporting protesters’ position (Oct. 4, 2012) CENTER FOR ELECTROSMOG PREVENTION (CEP), SPONSORED A PROTEST TODAY AGAINST SMART METERS IN ENCINITAS, CA. A small but determined group of concerned citizens […]
Sign Our CEP Petition to Stop Funding Electrosmog
Stop Funding Smart Grid Projects that Harm Americans Needed: 1,000+ signers by Dec. 31, 2012 Please sign our petition addressed to: President Obama, White House, US Congress, and Federal Agencies. —————- Stop Funding Smart Grid Projects that Harm Americans With President Obama’s full approval, the federal government is spending $3.4 billion on the development of […]