What can we do? A major form of electrosmog pollution has been named a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Health, USA. Electrosmog pollution in the form of cell phone radiation, is now officially associated with the development of cancer, according to the results of a $25 million dollar National Toxicology Program (NTP) study released May […]
Tag Archives | cell phones

Major US Gov’t Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
A federal study, just concluded, finds microwave radiofrequency radiation – the same type emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones – causes cancer, with a dose-response relationship. The more the exposure, the higher the risk. All cell phone and wireless enthusiasts must pause to consider – is it worth your life, or the life of […]

Wireless wake-up call – Jeromy Johnson
Jeromy Johnson, former Silicon Valley engineer, gave this excellent talk recently, at TedX, Berkeley, CA, about the dangers of wireless, with some practical tips for reducing exposure. Jeromy, a young man with a Masters Degree in Engineering and a former wireless technology enthusiast, shared his path to becoming electro-sensitive, following the placement of a bank of smart meters below his […]

How to identify and reduce electrosmog
Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) This is a practical guide for how to do so. See #3 and #4 below for steps to reduce RF radiation. Use of this article is covered by our disclaimer, see bottom of this page. 1. What are the recommended […]
Joint Statement on Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation
Joint Statement on Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation from The Baby Safe Project We join together as physicians, scientists and educators to express our concern about the risk that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures. We recognize that the exquisitely delicate systems that direct the development of human […]

LA Firefighters / Police Stop LA Federal Cell Tower Roll Out
In an unprecedented move, as a result of concerned activists, community members, fire department unions and police department unions in Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles, California, the rollout of hundreds of massive cell towers on fire department sites that would have placed the local firefighters at risk and blanketed all of […]

Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Can Kill
Is your cellphone worth risking this? Please click below to watch this video and avoid what happened to this young father. Jimmy Gonzalez “Cell Phones Cause Cancer“ Jimmy Gonzalez, a vibrant 42 year old former marine, father of two young children and attorney paid with his life because he […]

Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure (July 9, 2014)
Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure More than 50 scientists from 18 nations called on government to minimize the public’s exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless devices including cell and cordless phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters and baby monitors. [CEP note: Canada’s Safety Code 6 is virtually the same as […]
Cell Phone Use May Lead to Harmful Effects in Children
Children & Cell Phone Exposure = Behavioral Problems, Headaches, Neurological Damage, and Hearing Loss Mothers and fathers – do not use cell phones around your children! Pregnant women – avoid cell phone use, as it can harm your unborn child! Mothers of children – do not allow your children to use cell phones for any […]

Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention
Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention It makes sense to eliminate known triggers that impact learning and attention. Awareness of these triggers can lead to reduced toxic exposures and thus, can help provide optimum environments for academic improvement as well as prevention of future health problems. Our children’s academic success and health […]