De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has a new paper out showing that EMF exposures in the womb are linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity. “Maternal exposure to high [magnetic fields] during pregnancy may be a new and previously unknown factor contributing to the world-wide epidemic of childhood obesity/overweight,” […]
Tag Archives | cell phone safety
Radiofrequency Sickness: Symptoms, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis & Treatment
“No, Your Patient is Not Crazy” by Catherine Kleiber, Radiofrequency Sickness: Symptoms, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis & Treatment An excellent overview that you may share with your physician and health-conscious family members and friends!

50 Cell Phone & Wireless Safety Tips by Camilla Rees
“50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights”* Overview of Cell Phone & Wireless Technology Hazards by Camilla Rees, MBA, Founder and Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); Co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” ———————————————– 50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights by Camilla Rees, MBA, […]

‘The biggest experiment of our species’: With five billion mobile users in the world, conference calls for research into potential brain cancer risks
‘The biggest experiment of our species’: With five billion mobile users in the world, conference calls for research into potential brain cancer risks Read more: Scientists at London conference call for independent research into potential links between using a mobile phone and brain cancer Figures from ONS show 50 per cent increase in brain […]

Cell Phone Tumors: A photo and article
FROM STOP SMART METERS… by Joshua Hart [This] is a photo of our neighbor in Scotts Valley, a man we interviewed in September. He worked at a tech firm for ten years. During that time, he kept his cell phone in his left back pocket–switched on and sending signals. The other day he showed us […]
13 Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation
Written by Megan, Experience Life Magazine and published December 15, 2011. This article is reprinted here with notes for best protection by the Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP). 1. When talking on your cell phone, your safest bet is speakerphone mode with your phone a hand’s length away. Not quite as good (because it still emits […]
Neurosurgeon: ‘Your Cell Phone Is Not Necessarily a Safe Device”
Aired on PBS, May 31, 2011 A World Health Organization panel of 31 scientists raised some concerns Tuesday when they reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” and may be associated with “some risk” for brain cancer. But the group also called for further study. Jeffery Brown discusses concerns and precautions with neurosurgeon Keith Black. […]