Explore any of the following as a potential next step: Consult with a disability discrimination law attorney who handles Title II ; Title III ADA cases (with local & state governments; private entities offering public accommodations). Contact your state bar for a list in your region. Check current license and history of complaints if any, […]
Tag Archives | california

Stop 5G California FB page
Visit and “Like” our new Stop 5G California FB page and learn more about what is happening in CA with 5G. Please share widely! Learn more about what is happening in CA to stop 5G “small cells” from being placed up and down all our streets. For all states, counties, cities and towns, […]
Fairfax CA’s protective wireless ordinance defies FCC 5G Orders, cites state laws
Ross Valley officials work to tighten 5G antenna rules <<“… In Fairfax, after about a four-hour hearing Thursday, the Planning Commission said that a proposal to regulate telecommunications communications is not strong enough. The commission decided to continue the discussion to a later meeting, allowing staff time to give the new rules more muscle. […]
Smart meter opt-out chart for USA and Canada
This excellent chart explains all known opt-out arrangements for the USA and Canada, with fees and full description. Well done! http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/OPT-OUT-FEES.pdf
USA ordinances to stop 5G
The EH Trust has put together a page to inform communities what they can do to limit or stop 5G from being placed in residential neighborhoods, including sample ordinances. Very well done, it should help. USA City Ordinances to Limit and Control Wireless Facilities Small Cells in Rights of Ways In addition this article contains […]

State of CA and Kaiser warn about rf radiation
Microwave radiation a hazard, says State of CA Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente Dec. 14, 2017 In the past 24 hours, the CA State Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente issued warnings about wireless devices like cell phones and smart meters causing serious health problems. Cell towers, cell phones, smart water meters, and smart […]

Take Action Against Electrosmog
The Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) Update Keeping you up-to-date on electrosmog prevention and solutions. FROM CEP’S JUNE 27, 2016 NEWSLETTER SIGN UP FOR FUTURE EMAIL ALERTS Electrosmog Prevention News Update June 2016Dear All,Greetings!Much has occurred in 2016 with regards to electrosmog pollution – exposing the population to higher and higher levels of electromagnetic emissions consisting of harmful radiofrequency radiation and EMF’s […]

Wireless wake-up call – Jeromy Johnson
Jeromy Johnson, former Silicon Valley engineer, gave this excellent talk recently, at TedX, Berkeley, CA, about the dangers of wireless, with some practical tips for reducing exposure. Jeromy, a young man with a Masters Degree in Engineering and a former wireless technology enthusiast, shared his path to becoming electro-sensitive, following the placement of a bank of smart meters below his […]
CEP Goes to Sacramento, Shares Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Harm
CEP Shows CPUC Oversight Senators Proof CPUC Knows of Smart Meter Dangers (March 4, 2015) Dear Friends, Yesterday, on behalf of our members and the general public, CEP’s attorney attended a CA State Senate CPUC Oversight Committee hearing in Sacramento, where, at my request, he handed each senator an informational Press Release concerning shocking revelations […]

ALERT! Implications of the Final CPUC Phase 2 Opt-0ut Decision 12/23/14
ATTENTION ALL CALIFORNIA UTILITY CUSTOMERS – ARE YOU OPTING OUT (OR CONSIDERING OPTING OUT) OF SMART METERS? THESE RECENT CPUC DECISIONS WILL IMPACT YOU! Center for Electrosmog Prevention has participated formally in the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Phase 1 and 2 proceedings and the Smart Grid proceedings, since May, 2011, representing utility customers for all […]