Golomb letter to San Diego BOS 8.7.19 on dangers of 5G A must-read and must-share-widely letter. Dr. Beatrice Golomb, a world-renowned researcher, principal of the Golomb Research Group at UCSD, who studies EMF health effects, has written a second letter about 5G, this time to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, about the hazards of […]
Tag Archives | Americans with Disabilities Act

Dr. Sharon Goldberg explains why 5G must not be rolled out
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018. She explains why 5G should not be rolled out, and the association between exposure to microwave rf radiation and blood sugar, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and cancer. Dr. Goldberg is a board-certified internal medicine physician with several decades experience, a […]
Evidence of RF radiation-ill populations
Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Studies of electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS), as it is called by the US Access Board, place the condition between 1 and 5% of the population having significant and debilitating problems, with up to 33% to a lesser degree (but with the potential for getting worse). It is a condition thought to be rapidly growing, […]
ADA Accommodations Request Next Steps if Denied
Explore any of the following as a potential next step: Consult with a disability discrimination law attorney who handles Title II ; Title III ADA cases (with local & state governments; private entities offering public accommodations). Contact your state bar for a list in your region. Check current license and history of complaints if any, […]

How to File an ADA Accommodations Request for Electrosensitivity to Avoid Small Cells and Wifi
The following ADA Accommodations Request Packet may be used by those with ES (electrosensitivity) or certain medical conditions who must avoid increased rf radiation in the United States* to apply for reasonable accommodations to help avoid rf radiation from “small cells” and wifi in public government areas, related to accessibility or any other Title II […]

Letters from Doctors About School Wifi
Letters From Doctors on WiFi in Schools And Cell Towers On Schools
The Significance of the Nuremberg Code – as it applies to 5G
The implementation of 5G is a giant and all-pervasive experiment on the citizens of the United States, using a cruel technology already known to be harmful. It is being heavily promoted by President Trump and his telecommunications industry (formerly Verizon-employed)-appointee, Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, Esq., and the telecommunications industry, all of whom are […]

SDG&E & CA Smart Meter Opt-out Update 3/22/18
You can now have smart meters removed from your home if you are a CA gas or electric utility customer. So-called “smart” utility meters are dangerous to your health, say independent physicians and scientists studying the pulsed rf radiation they emit. Help your family remain healthy! Opt-out, today! Assist your child to concentrate more in […]

How to identify and reduce electrosmog
Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) This is a practical guide for how to do so. See #3 and #4 below for steps to reduce RF radiation. Use of this article is covered by our disclaimer, see bottom of this page. 1. What are the recommended […]
CEP Files for Rehearing of CA Smart Meter Opt-out Decision Which Ignores Health and Safety (Jan. 21, 2015)
CEP’s filing requesting a rehearing of the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Decisionwas accepted by the CPUC on January 28, 2015 and published on the CPUC website. The CPUC Commission will rule on whether or not to grant CEP’s request and have the CPUC reopen Proceeding: A1103014; A1103015; A1107020, also known as “Phase Two of the […]