New review study overwhelmingly shows damage to sperm from mobile phone rf radiation. Get that live cell phone out of your pocket! Do not hook it to your belt or wear it on your person, unless it is turned OFF. Use only for emergencies and use corded landlines* for most of your phone calls. A warning […]
Tag Archives | alert

Major US Gov’t Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
A federal study, just concluded, finds microwave radiofrequency radiation – the same type emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones – causes cancer, with a dose-response relationship. The more the exposure, the higher the risk. All cell phone and wireless enthusiasts must pause to consider – is it worth your life, or the life of […]

Wireless wake-up call – Jeromy Johnson
Jeromy Johnson, former Silicon Valley engineer, gave this excellent talk recently, at TedX, Berkeley, CA, about the dangers of wireless, with some practical tips for reducing exposure. Jeromy, a young man with a Masters Degree in Engineering and a former wireless technology enthusiast, shared his path to becoming electro-sensitive, following the placement of a bank of smart meters below his […]
Renowned Swedish Oncologist & WHO Researcher Warns About School Wi-Fi
Dr. Lennart Hardell, a Swedish oncologist and professor, part of the WHO evaluation group for rf radiation and health, a world-renowned researcher in cancer epidemiology and rf (radiofrequency) radiation exposures, recently co-authored this letter to a USA school district, warning its administrators of the dire health risks to children from schoolwide wi-fi. CLICK HERE: Montgomery […]
Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure
Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure TheGreenGazette, June 29, 2015 “There is a potential risk of rapidly progressive and more malignant tumours.” – Dr. Anthony B. Miller In March and April, 2015, the Canadian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health invited international experts to testify about Safety Code 6—Health Canada’s exposure […]

LA Firefighters / Police Stop LA Federal Cell Tower Roll Out
In an unprecedented move, as a result of concerned activists, community members, fire department unions and police department unions in Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles, California, the rollout of hundreds of massive cell towers on fire department sites that would have placed the local firefighters at risk and blanketed all of […]
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest
Smart Meter Opt-out at Risk: CEP Files Protest (March 10, 2015) UTILITIES FILE ADVICE LETTERS THAT COUNTER THE DECISION Following a late December CPUC “Smart Meter Opt-out” Decision intended to save utility customer costs by capping fees at three years and reading analog opt-out utility meters every two months, instead of monthly, SDG&E and other large California […]

ALERT! Implications of the Final CPUC Phase 2 Opt-0ut Decision 12/23/14
ATTENTION ALL CALIFORNIA UTILITY CUSTOMERS – ARE YOU OPTING OUT (OR CONSIDERING OPTING OUT) OF SMART METERS? THESE RECENT CPUC DECISIONS WILL IMPACT YOU! Center for Electrosmog Prevention has participated formally in the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Phase 1 and 2 proceedings and the Smart Grid proceedings, since May, 2011, representing utility customers for all […]

“Boil the Frog Slowly” Smart Meters radio interview with CEP director
CEP Files for Rehearing of CA Smart Meter Opt-out Decision Which Ignores Health and Safety (Jan. 21, 2015)
CEP’s filing requesting a rehearing of the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Decisionwas accepted by the CPUC on January 28, 2015 and published on the CPUC website. The CPUC Commission will rule on whether or not to grant CEP’s request and have the CPUC reopen Proceeding: A1103014; A1103015; A1107020, also known as “Phase Two of the […]