Ramona Municipal Water District customers:
To opt-out from “smart” water meters and continue use of an analog (old style) water meter:
* Contact your water district to request the opt-out, in writing and by phone
* Place sign inside water meter box (folded, in a large ziplock baggie) to remind installers NOT to install a smart meter
Note: San Diego Municipal Water District (and other) customers can download the Word document (see link below) to modify it for SDMWD and use in similar fashion. Be sure to call, document, and confirm acceptance of your opt-out request in writing to your water company.
Reasons to opt-out: smart water meters associated with higher bills, overbilling, and exposure to dangerous microwave radiation associated with serious health impacts, privacy and hacking issues. Scroll down to see how to opt-out from “smart” gas & electric meters, too! Opt-0uts for these are already approved, statewide in CA and many other states.
Do Not Install SM Sign RMWD (Word)
Do Not Install SM Sign RMWD (Pdf)

Smart meter shows large spike 15.92 milliwatts per meter squared, with constant lower level radiation and spikes about every 5-10 seconds.
Articles about smart water meters explaining why an opt-out – or all-out ban – is the best choice!
Why “smart” water meters are not smart!
The truth regarding smart water meter misinformation …
Ramona‘s new smart water meters not a smart choice …
Letters to the editor: Dec. 21, 2017 – Ramona Sentinel
State of CA and Kaiser warn about rf radiation | Ramona …
Measuring Radiation from Ramona, CA Smart Water Meter …
Did you know? You can switch to a safe, accurate analog meter for other utilities, too. Smart meters can overbill and emit harmful radiation. In the state of California, you can opt-out from electric and gas smart meters, but most people haven’t heard! Contact your local utility to request your opt-out!
San Diego County residents: Call SDG&E to opt-out or fill out this SDG&E Opt-out Form and mail it to SDG&E!
High Electric Bill? Here is a possible solution! | Ramona …
Click here for an info packet: Reasons-to-Say-No-to-Smart-Meters
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