
Smart Meter Activism Sites – CA and USA

Find a group to join or start one of your own, to fight smart meters in your state and locale!

In CA, go to:

StopSmartMeters.org  (Santa Cruz, Northern CA, all-CA, excellent articles)

EMFSafetyNetwork.org (Sebastopol, Northern CA, all-CA, excellent articles)

Burbank Action Against Cell Towers (and smart meters!) (Burbank, excellent articles)

StopOCSmartMeters.com (Orange County)

StopSmartMetersIrvine.com (Irvine)

CenterforElectrosmogPrevention.org (San Diego, Southern CA, all-CA, USA, you are here)

SmartMeterDangers.org (La Mesa, scientific info re: smart meters)

Southern Californians Against Smart Meters (SCASM) (Facebook Cause, Southern CA)

ThePeoplesInitiative.org (Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles area)


No Smart Meters San Francisco (San Francisco)

RefuseSmartMeters.com (Northern CA)

Ecological Options Network EMF Blog (Marin)

Bay Area Anti-Smart Meter Activist Site (San Francisco Bay area)

OJAI Smart Meter Opt-Out (Ojai)

Refuse Smart Meters Mendocino (Mendocino)

TURN Smart Meters (Northern CA) (do search on smart meters)

UCAN Smart Meters (San Diego County)

Go to this excellent page by EMF Safety Network for a list of smart meter websites, by state (and country):

http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?page_id=6914 (udated regularly)

Listing as of 1/16/12:

Find smart meter websites in your area

United States

Arizona: Ban Smart Meters Arizona.com

Electromagnetic Safety Alliance


Burbank Action

Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP)

Eon3 EMF Blog

EMF Analysis SF

EMF Safety Network

No Smart Meters SF

OJAI Smart Meter Opt-Out

Refuse Smart Meter

Refuse Smart Meters Mendocino

Smart Meter Action Group

Smart Meter Dangers San Diego

Smart Meter Health Alert

Southern Californians Against Smart Meters (SCASM)

Stop OC Smart Meters (Orange County)

Stop Smart Meters

Stop Smart Meters Irvine

TURN Smart Meters N. CA

UCAN Smart Meters S. CA


Colorado: Colorado Citizens Smart Meter Awareness (CCSMA)

Florida: Coalition for Health Against Smart Meters

Smart Meter Matrix

Florida Against Smart Meters

Georgia StopsmartmetersGeorgia

Hawaii http://www.kauaitruth.com

Stop Smart Meters Hawaii

Illinois: Naperville  Smart Meter Awareness

Iowa: Fairfield Safe Meters

Maine Smart Meter Safety

Maryland  Maryland Smart Meter Awareness

Massachusettes Halt MA Smart Meters

Stop Smart Meters Massachusetts

Michigan: Smart Meter Education Network

Smart Meters- Stop the Invasion!

Michigan Stop Smart Meters

Stop Smart Meters in Grand Rapids

Nevada: NVE Stop Smart Meters

True EMF Solutions

New Mexico: Why Fry? Smart Meters

Tennessee: Stop Smart Meters Now.com

Texas: Ban Texas Smart Meters

Texans United Against Smart Meters

Lubbock Against Smart Meters

Vermont Smart Meters Blogspot

Stop Smeters 

Wake up Opt-Out!

Virginia Center for Safer Wireless

Wisconsin: Electrical Pollution Solutions

First Do No Harm

Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin

US:  American Coalition Against Smart Meters


Australia: Stop Smart Meters Australia

Stop Smart Meters NOW


Citizens for Safe Technology

Coalition québécoise de lutte contre la pollution électromagnétique (Quebec)

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (British Columbia)

EMR Heath Alliance of BC

Gulf Islanders for Safe Technology


Europeans on Smart meters

Stop Smart Meters UK

Japan VOC-EMF Measures Research Association 

En Espanol

http://www.concienciaradio.com/nosmartmeters/ Spanish site (under construction)

Smart Meter Lawsuits

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  1. Computer RF Shielding | Center for Electrosmog Prevention - August 30, 2012

    […] Smart meters are coming to your area, you can be sure. Plan accordingly. Work with a local group Smart Meter Activism Sites – CA and USA or start one if […]

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