
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, UCSD researcher: pulsed rf microwave radiation source of diplomats’ illness

Dr. Beatrice Golomb M.D., PhD, of UCSD, San Diego, CA, well-known researcher , RF radiation health effects authority: evidence shows ill American diplomats in Cuba and China, show clear symptoms of illness from pulsed rf microwave radiation. [CEP Note: 5G microwave radiation is pulsed.] Her article, “Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation” has been published in Neural Computation, a journal issued by MIT, on Oct. 26th, 2018. Pulsed rf radiation is known to be emitted from military weapons, “smart” meters, and 5G small cells.

From Science Daily

(August 29, 2018)

Summary: “In a new article, a researcher makes the case that publicly reported symptoms and experiences of a ‘mystery illness’ afflicting American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba and China strongly match known effects of pulsed radiofrequency/microwave electromagnetic (RF/MW) radiation.”

Writing in advance of the September 15 issue of Neural Computation, Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, says publicly reported symptoms and experiences of a “mystery illness” afflicting American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba and China strongly match known effects of pulsed radiofrequency/microwave electromagnetic (RF/MW) radiation.

Her conclusions, she said, may aid in the treatment of the diplomats (and affected family members) and assist U.S. government agencies seeking to determine the precise cause. More broadly, Golomb said her research draws attention to a larger population of people who are affected by similar health problems.

“I looked at what’s known about pulsed RF/MW in relation to diplomats’ experiences,” said Golomb. “Everything fits. The specifics of the varied sounds that the diplomats reported hearing during the apparent inciting episodes, such as chirping, ringing and buzzing, cohere in detail with known properties of so-called ‘microwave hearing,’ also known as the Frey effect.

“And the symptoms that emerged fit, including the dominance of sleep problems, headaches and cognitive issues, as well as the distinctive prominence of auditory symptoms. Even objective findings reported on brain imaging fit with what has been reported for persons affected by RF/MW radiation.”

Beginning in 2016, personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba (as well as Canadian diplomats and family members) described hearing strange sounds, followed by development of an array of symptoms. The source of the health problems has not been determined. Though some officials and media have described the events as “sonic attacks,” some experts on sound have rejected this explanation. In May of this year, the State Department reported that U.S. government employees in Guangzhou, China had also experienced similar sounds and health problems.

Affected diplomats and family members from both locations were medically evacuated to the U.S. for treatment, but despite multiple government investigations, an official explanation of events and subsequent illnesses has not been announced. At least two early published studies examining available data were inconclusive.

In her paper, scheduled to be published September 15 in Neural Computation, Golomb compared rates of described symptoms among diplomats with a published 2012 study of symptoms reported by people affected by electromagnetic radiation in Japan. By and large, she said the cited symptoms — headache, cognitive problems, sleep issues, irritability, nervousness or anxiety, dizziness and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) — occurred at strikingly similar rates….” (to read the entire article in Science Daily,  click here)

To read Dr. Golomb’s published article click here

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