Cell phone heats brain tissue
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has written a letter on 12/12/12 in support of HR6358 (“The Cellphone Right to Know Act”) and biologically-based rf radiation safety limits, expressing concerns for pregnant women, child and teens related to their cell phone use. AAP cites strong evidence that current FCC guidelines are not protective and that more protective measures should be implemented, immediately.
Considering smart meters have been estimated to emit an average of 100 times the full body exposure of a cell phone (Hirsch), and are emitting pulsed radiation 24/7 to maintain the mesh network, this letter may be utilized with smart meters and other devices. Readers may also wish to contact the AAP to request that they take a similar position on smart meters and exposures for fetuses, babies, children, and teens.
“The Cellphone Right to Know Act” HR635
Learn more and see if your Representative supports it:
The website, http://www.electricalpollution.com has this to say about HR6358:
<<It is absolutely critical that all Americans actively support “The Cellphone Right to Know Act.”
Why should EVERYONE actively support “The Cellphone Right to Know Act“?
“The Cellphone Right to Know Act“requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set safety limits that ensure everyone (fetuses, pregnant women, children, the elderly, and everyone else) is not harmed by their daily use of and exposure to wireless devices. Not one of us is only exposed to radiation from wireless devices 6 minutes a day and most of us are not 6 ft 185 lb males. Tissue heating is not the most dangerous effect of radiation from wireless devices. Radiation from wireless devices (pulsed modulated microwave radiation) causes DNA breakages, cancer, metabolic changes, alters enzyme function, impairs the immune system, alters blood sugar – usually raising it, causes headaches, impairs melatonin secretion, etc. (see www.magdahavas.com , www.electricalpollution.com , www.emrpolicy.org)
At this time, there are no biologically-based safety limits for exposure to radiation from wireless devices. At this time, the safety limits with which wireless devices comply merely ensure that your wireless device will not heat your tissue (cook you) more than 1 degree celcius in less than six minutes, but only if you’re a 6ft 185lb male.
“The Cellphone Right to Know Act” will require the EPA to establish biologically-based safety limits within two years to protect the general public.
Hopefully it is now clear why EVERYONE, with or without radiofrequency sickness, large and small, sick or healthy, should support “The Cellphone Right to Know Act”. (Find out how you can support “The Cellphone Right To Know Act”)>>
[…] the American Academy of Pediatrics, in a letter supporting The Cell Phone Right to Know Act (H.R. 6358), […]