How to opt-out of smart meters FAQ w/ help on how to read your analog meter and other tips

How to opt-out of smart meters FAQ w/ help on how to read your analog meter and other tips
This excellent chart explains all known opt-out arrangements for the USA and Canada, with fees and full description. Well done!
Reasons-to-Say-No-to-Smart-Meters (Nov. 2017) Includes statements of scientists and physicians on dangers of rf radiation and smart meters. Useful for activists and those considering opting out of smart meters. SMART METERS HARM HEALTH: REASONS TO SAY NO TO SMART METERS Educational Smart Meter Speaker Packet, an educational resource packet to read, share, and use as a […]
CEP Public Comment, submitted today, regarding a case before the NY State utility commission currently deliberating whether analog meters or electronic, digital meters shall be used for smart meter opt-outs. CEP’s position is that only the safer health option – electro-mechanical analog meters should be offered. We encourage analog opt-out recipients anywhere in the USA […]
Microwave radiation a hazard, says State of CA Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente Dec. 14, 2017 In the past 24 hours, the CA State Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente issued warnings about wireless devices like cell phones and smart meters causing serious health problems. Cell towers, cell phones, smart water meters, and smart […]
The first YouTube video above shows a smart water meter with the RF emissions being measured by a Cornet Electrosmog Meter and a Trifield Meter. The second video shows a smart water meter being measured by a Cornet Electrosmog 88T Meter in Ramona, CA. California’s Ramona Municipal Water District is currently installing microwave-emitting, wireless smart […]
While these videos below were not made by scientists, a physician helps demonstrate, in two different individuals, the interference that smart meters can cause, with the human heart. CEP suggests that independent scientists run similar tests, using scientific methodology on a larger sample, to ascertain whether this interference actually occurs and if so, in how […]
The Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) Update Keeping you up-to-date on electrosmog prevention and solutions. FROM CEP’S JUNE 27, 2016 NEWSLETTER SIGN UP FOR FUTURE EMAIL ALERTS Electrosmog Prevention News Update June 2016Dear All,Greetings!Much has occurred in 2016 with regards to electrosmog pollution – exposing the population to higher and higher levels of electromagnetic emissions consisting of harmful radiofrequency radiation and EMF’s […]
Before and After-Opting Out Measurements from Smart Meters Includes measuring the dirty electricity on electrical wiring inside an Austin home, as well as radiation from the smart meter itself. Dr. Laura Pressley of Austin, TX also measures a smart phone, a wireless router, and a DECT phone charging station, explaining how the high levels of rf […]
What can we do? A major form of electrosmog pollution has been named a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Health, USA. Electrosmog pollution in the form of cell phone radiation, is now officially associated with the development of cancer, according to the results of a $25 million dollar National Toxicology Program (NTP) study released May […]