FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joshua Hart, Director, Stop Smart Meters! Wednesday April 25th, 2012 (phone available to media, contact by email) CA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: PG&E SMART METER OPT OUT FEES “SUSPENDED” Utility Lacks Authority to Force Smart Meters or Charge Fees to Keep Analog Meters San Francisco, CA- Though PG&E’s arbitrary “deadline” of […]
Archive | Smart Meter Opt-Out News
Why Stop Smart Meters?
FROM STOP SMART METERS Do you want an accurate, reasonably priced utility bill? Utility customers have noticed huge increases in their bill after a ‘smart’ meter is installed–in some cases hundreds of dollars more than usual. Utilities claim the meters are accurate,but unexplained over-billing has featured in many negative reports, all around the US. Read […]
SCE Opt-out Next Steps (4/19/12)
SCE Opt-out Next Steps (from CPUC SCE Opt-out Plan, Rev. , passed 4/19/12) 7. Next Steps As noted above, it is our desire to have the opt-out option implemented without undue delay. Consequently, SCE is directed to file a Tier 1 Advice Letter to implement a smart meter opt-out option for the Edison SmartConnect Program […]
SDG&E Opt-out Next Steps (4/19/12)
SG&E Opt-out Next Steps (from CPUC Opt-out Plan, Rev. 2, passed 4/19/12) 7. Next Steps As noted above, it is our desire to have the opt-out option implemented without undue delay. Consequently, SDG&E is directed to file a Tier 1 Advice Letter to implement a smart meter opt-out option for its AMI Project and to […]

ALERT: CPUC Passes SDG&E / SCE Opt-out Plans 4/19/12
(4/19/12) Today, the CPUC Commissioners unanimously passed both SDG&E and SCE opt-out proposals for the utilities’ embattled RF-radiation emitting smart meters. This will impact Southern California customers of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, two of the state’s three largest independently operated utilities. Residential customers of both utilities may now officially request that […]
SDG&E Opt-Out Proposal Comments filed 4/3/12
CEP Comments SDG&E Opt-out Proposal by CPUC
SCE Opt-Out Proposal Comments filed 4/4/12
CEP Comments SCE Opt-out Proposal by CPUC
CPUC Smart Meter Proceedings
To view all the filings at the CPUC website concerning current proceedings pertaining to smart meters, go to Proceedings – Advanced Search Form: Advanced Search Form and enter just the Proceeding Number below that interests you, then click Search: A1103015 for info on SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric) opt-out A1107020 for info on SCE […]
How to Opt-Out of SmartMeters for PG&E Customers: Deadline is May 1, 2012!
(from a PG&E email to a customer on 2/1/12) “For your convenience there are multiple ways to opt-out of SmartMeter™. You may opt-out online using our SmartMeter™ Opt-Out Form. You may also submit your opt-out request by visiting your local PG&E office. For customers on the SmartMeter™ Delay List, please opt-out by May 1, 2012. If your opt-out […]

ALERT: Smart Meter Opt-Out Ordered for SDG&E / SCE Customers – Vote to be on April 19th
An interim smart meter opt-out for Southern California’s SDG&E and SCE residential customers was proposed by a CPUC judge on March 15, 2012. Take action to sign up to get rid of the risky, radiation-emitting smart meters on your home. The five CPUC Commissioners will vote on these interim opt-outs on April 19th, 2012, in […]