CEP’s filing requesting a rehearing of the CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Decisionwas accepted by the CPUC on January 28, 2015 and published on the CPUC website. The CPUC Commission will rule on whether or not to grant CEP’s request and have the CPUC reopen Proceeding: A1103014; A1103015; A1107020, also known as “Phase Two of the […]
Archive | San Diego County Smart Meter News

Maryland Woman Harmed by Smart Meters Bank Shares Her Story
This Maryland woman’s experience is a chilling must-watch YouTube of how a bank of smart meters made a formerly well woman very ill within the first day of occupying a new condo. She was lucky enough to identify the source and be able to get out, but what of the next person? And of all […]
CEP Files Blistering Comment in California Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings
Dear Friends of Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP), We are working on your behalf! As promised, Center for Electrosmog Prevention, an Intervenor in the current California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) opt-out proceeding, Monday, Nov. 10, 2014 filed a formal response to what many consider noxious CPUC proposed decisions regarding the smart meter opt-out, which blatantly […]

CEP Files Motion to Include Safety in CPUC Smart Meter Opt-Out Proceeding
or Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) has filed a Motion for the CPUC judge, Amy Yip-Kikugawa, to broaden the scope of the proceeding to include safety. CEP is a California-based nonprofit and formal participant in the Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). [CEP’S MOTION TO INCLUDE SAFETY IN SMART METER OPT-OUT PROCEEDINGS:] 1 BEFORE […]
Smart meters, Digital Meters: transmission rates and rf radiation levels vs. analog meters
SDG&E RF Radiation Levels in Various Types of Itron Smart and Digital Meters vs. Analog Meters includes Zigbee transmitters, a report provided by San Diego Gas and Electric to the CPUC administrative law judge, on Nov. 1, 2011. This report conclusively shows that smart meters and digital meters emit virtually continuous pulsed RF radiation – […]
Reply Brief of Center for Electrosmog Prevention for Phase 2 Opt-out Proceedings: Fees
Reply Brief of Center for Electrosmog Prevention for A1103014, A1103015, A1107020 http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M042/K160/42160692.PDF CEP filed a Reply Brief concerning smart meter opt-out fees, for Phase 2 of the Smart Meter Opt-out Proceedings, CPUC, San Francisc, CA CEP suggests a no-fees opt-out, with a ban on smart meters, ultimately.
CPUC PPH Meetings Transcripts Dec. 2012
California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on smart meter opt-out fees held in five regions of CA in Dec., 2012. CPUC official transcripts of meeting held in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Clemente, and Santa Rosa , California, which occurred in that order. Many speakers complaining of health impacts of smart meters. None […]
Smart Meter Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court by San Diegan
This week, a lawsuit has been filed in a California federal court alleging that health impacts from smart meters and the smart grid have occurred, causing injuries and losses, rendering a San Diego California resident to be unable to occupy her home or live in her home state of California. Celeste Deborah Cooney, who filed […]

#2 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
# 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12 Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against […]

#1 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against opt-out fees, demanding no fees and banning smart meters. This meeting was […]