By Dana Hull Bay Area News Group Posted: 02/01/2012 03:53:52 PM PST Updated: 02/02/2012 07:20:49 AM PST Despite a chorus of complaints by “smart meter” opponents, state regulators voted Wednesday to give PG&E customers the right to opt out of having the wireless meters and to keep their old meters — for a […]
Archive | CA Smart Meter News

California Smart Meter Opt-Out Videos
CPUC Video: Opt-Out Testimony and Vote Video, Feb. 1, 2012 CPUC Meeting, San Francisco by Ecological Options Network Parts 1 & 2, including: 1. Public Comments (9:00 AM-10:52 AM) Parts 1 & 2 Watch public comments to understand why people want no-cost opt-out and removal of all smart meters 2. CPUC Commissioners’ reactions and vote (10:52 AM – 11:15 […]

PG&E Opt-Out Decision Approved Version

Draft 2, Revision 3 of the “Peevey PG&E Opt-Out” order, was passed on by the CPUC
The CPUC Commissioners voted to approve for-fee opt-outs to analog meters for PG&E customers. The delay list is ended and within 30 days, customers must sign up for the for-fee opt-out program with PG&E or have a smart meter installed. Details to follow. If you are a PG&E customer, call their smart meter department to […]

Feb. 2012 CA OPT OUT NEWS: Analog Switch Approved for a fee for PG&E Customers
Analog switch approved for a fee for PG&E customers. Expected to soon be the template for all California. Does not solve problem for multiple meters, neighbors’ meters or general exposure to the mesh network of pulsed radiation created by utility companies with the new smart grid.

Smart Meter Protest held Jan. 27, 2012 in San Francisco, demanding free opt-outs to safe analog meters
In a San Francisco rally opposing the proposed PG&E/CPUC ‘smart’ meter opt-out policy, organized by Stop ‘Smart’ Meters San Francisco Co-Chair Sudi Scull, speakers argued that customers should not be made to pay to not have wireless gas and electric meters placed on their homes that are already making hundreds of people sick. They showed […]

San Diego residents educated the San Diego County Board of Supervisors (BOS) about smart meter problems, asked BOS to join 49 other CA municipalities in taking a strong position against smart meters
On Jan. 25, 2012, four San Diego County residents alerted the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to the smart meter health issues that many are experiencing here and statewide. The presenters, from East County, La Mesa, La Jolla, and Coronado, described severe health reactions to the smart meters and asked for the SDC BOS […]
California Health Department Cites Smart Meter Health Risks in Report
The first California County Health Department smart meter report has been issued in Santa Cruz, CA, expressing strong concerns about health effects from smart meter radiation exposures, asking their county to impose another moratorium on installations. In addition, the health department asks the county supervisors to sign a petition to postpone the CPUC opt-out ruling […]
Take Action: Call and Write the CPUC Commissioners and ask that they vote for the SDG&E Opt-Out
SDG&E customers have been largely unaware of the smart meter risks and issues, as major media in San Diego County has not provided news coverage for this topic. Center for Electrosmog Prevention and several other groups have filed legal protests with the CPUC. SDG&E is on the verge of a state-wide, for-fee opt-out being ordered […]
PUC Orders PG&E to Offer Analog Meters as Sole Smart Meter Opt-Out Option
Today (Jan. 16), in response to mounting public pressure, Michael Peevey, head commissioner for the California Public Utilities Commission, ordered the state’s largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, to make analog meters the sole opt-out option, rather than electronic (rf-emitting) meters. The proposed cost of this option has been lowered to between $5 (for low […]