This Local Gov’t 5G Letter (for any locale) may be used with any town, city, or county government. It can be downloaded or copied and pasted into an email, and then personalized with your local elected official’s name and your name and address, and sent via USPS or emailed. We advise sending it quickly as […]
Archive | Stop 5G Action Plan

Marin County Board of Supervisors’ Wireless Ordinance Workshop
Marin County BOS Full Wireless Ordinance Workshop begins at 00:37 Wireless presentation and legalities (37:54). County staff and attorneys present FCC ruling implications, complete with a Powerpoint, and status of lawsuit Marin County joined with other municipalities in a coalition, to challenge the FCC ruling (about 1:04). Speakers […]
Fairfax CA’s protective wireless ordinance defies FCC 5G Orders, cites state laws
Ross Valley officials work to tighten 5G antenna rules <<“… In Fairfax, after about a four-hour hearing Thursday, the Planning Commission said that a proposal to regulate telecommunications communications is not strong enough. The commission decided to continue the discussion to a later meeting, allowing staff time to give the new rules more muscle. […]
CEP Press Release: County BOS to vote on 5G standards
Center for Electrosmog Prevention PRESS RELEASE San Diego County Board of Supervisors Poised to Vote on Adopting FCC’s Controversial 5G Wireless Facilities Standards Despite public opposition, San Diego county officials scramble to comply with widely disputed FCC rules to accelerate the mass rollout of 5G-ready wireless networks. San Diego, CA, February 8, 2019 […]

Public Health Alert: 5G small wireless cells a hazard
Hundreds of informed scientists and physicians insist the new 5G wireless cells, currently either getting ready for installation or recently installed on poles outside your home, are a serious menace to public health! 5G small cells can be placed right in front of your home beaming harmful, continuous, millimeter microwave radiation into your yard and home. […]

FCC 5G small cell orders – local gov’ts – what to do
(Jan. 14, 2019) A California law firm, Best, Best & Krieger, recommends that local governments, in the face of the “FCC small cell orders“, “stay flexible and stay tuned.” This is because there are numerous legal challenges to the FCC small cell orders, and if local governments change their ordinances to be in compliance, and […]

Plumas County CA not listening to residents on 5G dangers, fire hazards
Jan. 23, 2019: Plumas County’s Planning Group and BOS seem to be ignoring County residents‘ 5G rf radiation, fire hazards, and many other concerns, who packed meetings for the past year, to alert elected officials of the dangers of 5G and more cell towers in an already fire-prone area of Northern CA. This article, containing […]
Burbank 5G Town Hall meeting with residents, first of two
[CEP Note]: Some residents of Burbank, a community strongly opposed to irradiating the public with hazardous cell tower emissions, attended this town hall meeting, first of two, to express their opposition to their municipality allowing the installation of “small cells” to facilitate 5G. They encouraged their elected officials to join the towns who protect their […]
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]
How to oppose small cell 5G towers (EMF Safety Network)
How to oppose 5G “small cell” towers Ideas from EMF Safety Network on how to oppose 5G “small cell” towers: 1. Watch for local gov’t planning dept applications for “small cell” towers, even if they deny it is 5G. 2. Educate community and local elected officials about risks of rf radiation and 5G. Even though […]