Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT) (Berkeley, CA) filed this legal brief (revised) on July 16, 2012, with the CPUC, pertaining to whether the smart meter fees are discriminatory under ADA and CA Public Utilities Code 453. CforAT is now a Party to the consolidated opt-out proceedings for SDG&E, SCE, and PG&E at the California Public […]
Archive | Smart Grid Law

Updated: CA & Federal Laws Supporting No Opt-out Fees and Complaint Info
The following federal and CA state laws that appear to support no opt-out fees are listed below. This is not a complete list and CEP does not provide guidance nor legal assistance to interpret them. We recommend that you study the laws and use this information to assist your efforts to work on smart meter […]

Smart Meters – Smarter Practices (Jamieson, for Radiation Research Trust) A must-read, professional article that provides the international, big picture related to smart meters, with known problems such as human rights, health concerns, security, privacy, and safety issues, and solutions. [Note: CEP does not approve of any smart meters due to infringement upon privacy and lack of any possible assurance of safety, even if […]
Smart Grid Key Legislation (from IEEE)
[Note by CEP: in the federal legislation that began to formulate the “smart grid”, there was no wireless mentioned, nor is there any mention of mandatory smart meters. Conspicuously absent is safety, though security is mentioned. This legislation was written and technologies hastily assembled to allow utilities to receive federal grant money, starting within 2 […]
Smart Grid Safety – Public Utility Code – CA
Smart Grid – Public Utility Code – CA Note bolded sections that refer to the smart grid system required to be safe and shall be implemented in a manner that does not compromise customer or worker safety. The smart grid is not safe, nor is it secure. Therefore, CA state law is being broken. […]