U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier urges fed review of California Public Utilities Commission July 19, 2013, 05:00 AM By Bill Silverfarb Daily Journal [CEP note: We urge concerned CEP visitors to contact Rep. Speir and ask her to include electric and gas meter safety in the investigation. Smart meters can kill and cause grave bodily harm, it is […]
Archive | Smart Grid Law
“Smart Grid Advancement Act” Introduced in US Congress
CEP is reporting this important news article taken from www.StopSmartMeters.org. SSM is concerned that this act may require smart meters federally. CEP takes no position on this bill. ——————————————————————————————————- “Smart Grid Advancement Act” Introduced in US Congress … http://stopsmartmeters.org/2013/07/17/smart-grid-advancement-act-introduced-in-us-congress-take-action-to-stop-it-today/ Two members of congress (Jerry McNerney, D- Stockton, CA and Matt Cartwright, D- PA) have introduced […]

CPUC’s Peevey Gets “Peeved” – Yells “Shut Up”, Tries to Stifle Free Speech
During a key CPUC (Calif Public Utility Commisison) meeting in San Francisco, on 2/28/13, where activists and members of the public spoke out against smart meters, wifi, and RF exposures, President Peevey yelled “SHUT UP” at the audience, when reminded that he could not shut down public comment as he was threatening to do [view […]

CEP Public Comments to FCC re: RF Guidelines Revision
FCC Revising Guidelines for RF Radiation: Public Comments Due Wed. 2/6/13 Revised CEP Public Comment submitted to FCC on 2.5.13 pertaining to these proceedings: 03-137 FCC Proposes Changes in the Commission’s Rules and Procedures Regarding Human Exposure to RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Energy. 12-357 Service Rules for Advanced Wireless Services H Block et al. CEP has submitted […]
Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal
New Report on Smart Meter Problems The December 2012 report “Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal” is now available to the public. This 173-page report by activist Nina Beety has extensive referenced information about many of the problems and risks of the Smart Meter program, with information from state, national, and […]
Smart Meter Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court by San Diegan
This week, a lawsuit has been filed in a California federal court alleging that health impacts from smart meters and the smart grid have occurred, causing injuries and losses, rendering a San Diego California resident to be unable to occupy her home or live in her home state of California. Celeste Deborah Cooney, who filed […]

TALKING POINTS ABOUT OPT-OUT FEES For use at the December 2012 CPUC Public Participation Hearings listed below, filing written complaints about fees with CPUC during December (if unable to attend), or to consider for filing a discrimination lawsuit[1] WHAT TO DO ABOUT OPT-OUT FEES? Talking points and laws pertaining to complaints concerning Smart Meter opt-out […]
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012)
CEP Rebuttal Testimony (Oct. 26, 2012) Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP)’s Rebuttal Testimony, filed with CPUC on Oct. 26, 2012. Contains updated CEP position on opt-out fees, zone of safety, and safety considerations related to RF emissions from smart meters.

Maine PUC denies CMP’s Motion to accept FCC’s RF Radiation Guidelines for Smart Meters
(Sept. 25, 2012) Maine PUC Meeting Today, Maine’s Public Utility Commissioners, for the time being, turned down a request by Spain-owned CMP, the state’s largest utility company, to accept the FCC’s RF radiation emission “standards” as applying to smart meters. (Sept. 25, 2012) Maine CPUC Meeting Commissioner Littell stated, ” They [CMP] ask us [in […]

CEP Smart Meters ADA Opening Brief (7/5/12)
Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) filed this opening brief with the CPUC (CA Public Utilities Commission) on 7/5/12, concerning discrimination laws and smart meters, pertaining to opt-out fees and more. To learn more about how to write a letter requesting an accommodation and how to file a discrimination complaint if needed, go to How to […]