Collection of Positions of Scientists, Doctors, and Governmental Bodies about Smart Meters and Health, posted on
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Smart Meter Letter to Local Government
This is a very successful example of a letter to send to local government. Publish an Open Letter to your local government in the local or other local news, online or in print. See this letter to the editor: An Open Letter to the La Mesa City Council: Stop the SDG&E Smart Meters Sample Letter to […]

Smart Meters – Smarter Practices Book by Radiation Research Trust, UK, Jan. 2012
Online book on smart meters now available: The book “Smart Meters – Smarter Practices” by Dr. Jamieson (commissioned by the UK EM Radiation Research Trust), comprises 265 pages of research & current knowledge of health & environmental effects from the smart meters. This work is a highly recommended read and can be downloaded (for free).
French Physician/Researcher Explains Electromagnetic Intolerance & New Test
Electromagnetic intolerance elucidated Dr. Belpomme and his team has studied what he coined the Electromagnetic Intolerance Syndrome since May 2008.
Scientist Warns of Smart Meter Dangers, July 9, 2011
Dr. Olle Johansson writes to the California Public Utility Commission to detail the dangers related to exposures to radiofrequency radiation, the establishment of a wireless smart grid and use of wireless smart meters. Dr. Johansson confirms “The recent determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) to include radiofrequent radiation on the 2B list of carcinogens also […]
World Health Organization (WHO) Places RF Radiation on 2B List of Carcinogens
Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use. Background Over the last few years, there has been mounting concern […]