Is Your Computer Bugged? by Glenn Jacobs, Cyber Security Engineer, Carlsbad, CA This book provides the basic techniquest for making personal computers resistant to cyber attack. It can help prevent the devastating personal and financial consequences of cyber criminal activity. While focused on the Windows 7 operating system, the techniquest detailed in this book […]
Archive | Smart Meter Resources & Links
EMF Safety Network Opening Brief: Smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law
This brief was filed by EMF Safety Network on July 13, 2012, concerning smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law, with the CPUC. Many very good points are made and the brief repeatedly calls for dropping the fees for all, not just limited to disabled, or those with medical conditions. ————————————– Brief filed by EMF […]
ALERT: AAEM Releases Recommendations EMF and RF Exposures (7/12/12)
**NEW** The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its recommendations regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) exposures. These recommendations by AAEM, just released on 7/12/12, will take the world by storm. AAEM recommends that patients with a broad range of medical conditions avoid sources of EMF and RF radiation, especially smart meters on […]

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation
Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation agfauteux | 11 juillet 2012 | 4 Commentaires Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment on a letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir last May 24. This letter […]

Pacemaker, Heart, and Breathing Problems Reported from Smart Meter
A man from Carson, CA reports arrythmia, breathing, and pacemaker problems from the smart meter on his home. He says the pacemaker was being interfered with by the smart meter and he had to be hospitalized several times, including in intensive care. When the smart meter was removed and the neighbor’s smart meter was removed, […]

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation
TORONTO, June 18, 2012 /CNW/ – Women’s College Hospital says family doctors must learn to detect the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation. The hospital released a statement saying the symptoms include disrupted sleep, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, memory problems, and skin rashes. These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or “EMS”. “Health-care practitioners […]
Recognition of the Electromagnetic Sensitivity as a Disability Under the ADA
Recognition of the Electromagnetic Sensitivity as a Disability Under the ADA The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) is the Federal agency devoted to the accessibility for people with disabilities. The Access Board is responsible for developing and maintaining accessibility guidelines to ensure that newly constructed and altered buildings and facilities covered by […]
Smart Meter Dangers – The Science
Smart meters – positions of scientists, related research all found on our project site: Smart Meter Dangers

CEP Smart Meters ADA Opening Brief (7/5/12)
Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) filed this opening brief with the CPUC (CA Public Utilities Commission) on 7/5/12, concerning discrimination laws and smart meters, pertaining to opt-out fees and more. To learn more about how to write a letter requesting an accommodation and how to file a discrimination complaint if needed, go to How to […]
Center for Accessible Technology ADA and Smart Meters Brief (7/16/12)
Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT) (Berkeley, CA) filed this legal brief (revised) on July 16, 2012, with the CPUC, pertaining to whether the smart meter fees are discriminatory under ADA and CA Public Utilities Code 453. CforAT is now a Party to the consolidated opt-out proceedings for SDG&E, SCE, and PG&E at the California Public […]