Archive | Smart Meter Opt-Out Videos

#2 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
# 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12 Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against […]

#1 of 2: Smart Meter Opt-out Fees CPUC PPH, San Clemente, CA, 12/18/12
Audio w/ pics of San Clemente, CA CPUC Smart Meter Opt-out Fees Public Participation Meeting (PPH) held on Dec. 18, 2012, w/ an overflow crowd, scores of speakers decrying smart meters and fees, describing serious illnesses and privacy concerns. Virtually all were against opt-out fees, demanding no fees and banning smart meters. This meeting was […]

Maine PUC denies CMP’s Motion to accept FCC’s RF Radiation Guidelines for Smart Meters
(Sept. 25, 2012) Maine PUC Meeting Today, Maine’s Public Utility Commissioners, for the time being, turned down a request by Spain-owned CMP, the state’s largest utility company, to accept the FCC’s RF radiation emission “standards” as applying to smart meters. (Sept. 25, 2012) Maine CPUC Meeting Commissioner Littell stated, ” They [CMP] ask us [in […]
CPUC Holds Opt-out Prehearing Conference 5/16/12
CEP participated in the CPUC Consolidated Utilities Opt-out Prehearing Conference (PHC) in San Francisco, held May 16, 2012. Our statement was recognized and referred to in discussions, along with those of other Parties to the CPUC proceeding. Embedded above is the transcript from the PHC meeting. Videos of the entire meeting by EON: ‘Smart Meter’ […]

Protest: Irate Ratepayers at PG&E Stockholders Meeting (5/14/12)
Published on May 15, 2012 by eon3 Angry ratepayers protested at the entrance to a PG&E stockholders meeting May 14, 2012 in San Francisco. Signs, chants and speakers laid out their objections to the wireless ‘smart meter’ rollout and the fees proposed for opting out. Activists delivered over 3000 petitions expressing outrage at the program. […]

Turko Files – Smart Meter Opt-out No Option At All
Thursday, May 10, 2012 (San Diego, CA) – They called KUSI’s Michael Turko about problems getting rid of SDG&E’s new wireless smart meters. Turko says he’s uncovered some problems with the power company’s plan to let customers opt out. SDG&E says having a smart meter on your house is no big deal and shouldn’t […]

ME Supreme Court Oral Arguments in Smart Meter Case 5.10.12
ME Supreme Court Oral Arguments in Smart Meter Case 5.10.12 When: Thursday, May 10 at 9:50 am. Time allotted by court: (35 min.) Where: Maine Supreme Judicial Court, Newbury St., Portland, ME Oral arguments in Maine citizens’ smart meter appeal from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) decision heard Thursday in Portland by the Maine Supreme […]
“Smart Meter Opt-out and Health” San Diego TV 10 News
http://www.10news.com/video/30955618/index.html Click here: Woman Sues SDG&E Over Smart Meters – Video – KGTV San Diego 4/24/12 First San Diego TV news coverage of the smart meters’ opt-out and health issues – lawsuit part is incorrect – reporter confused Brinchman, Director of CEP’s CPUC proceedings w/a civil suit. There is no lawsuit (yet), though one (or […]

California Smart Meter Opt-Out Videos
CPUC Video: Opt-Out Testimony and Vote Video, Feb. 1, 2012 CPUC Meeting, San Francisco by Ecological Options Network Parts 1 & 2, including: 1. Public Comments (9:00 AM-10:52 AM) Parts 1 & 2 Watch public comments to understand why people want no-cost opt-out and removal of all smart meters 2. CPUC Commissioners’ reactions and vote (10:52 AM – 11:15 […]