A PETITION TO BAN WIFI IN SCHOOLS WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT This morning we have submitted a Petition to the Israeli Supreme Court requesting the SC to issue an injunction against the Ministry of Education and to order it to ban WIFI in Schools in Israel. The Plaintiffs are Dafna Tachover, […]
Archive | Health Alerts: WIFI
Increasingly, independent scientists and experts report that WIFI negatively impacts the public health.
The Seletun Statement The Seletun Statement is a position statement issued by a group of international experts on the need for biologically-based guidelines to protect the public from RF radiation fields associated with wireless technologies. ————————————— Announcement video (18 minutes) Olle Johansson, PhD Announcing Seletun Scientific Statement from ElectromagneticHealth.Org 1 year ago International Scientists Recommend Global […]
Kaiser Researcher Ties EMF Exposures in Womb to Obesity Risk
De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has a new paper out showing that EMF exposures in the womb are linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity. “Maternal exposure to high [magnetic fields] during pregnancy may be a new and previously unknown factor contributing to the world-wide epidemic of childhood obesity/overweight,” […]
WIFI and Libraries
As with all fads, wireless is no different. There is a rush to add WIFI to all libraries, as well as schools, shopping areas, hotels, and medical facilities. It is CEP’s position that placement of WIFI where the public is accommodated is a barrier for disabled people and those with medical conditions who must avoid […]
ALERT: AAEM Releases Recommendations EMF and RF Exposures (7/12/12)
**NEW** The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its recommendations regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) exposures. These recommendations by AAEM, just released on 7/12/12, will take the world by storm. AAEM recommends that patients with a broad range of medical conditions avoid sources of EMF and RF radiation, especially smart meters on […]
The BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools (Havas)
July 10, 2012. A few years ago we ranked schools in all the U.S. state capitals for the number and distance of cell phone antennas. Back then the major source of microwave radiation in the classroom was from these antennas. Things have changed. Now we have antennas inside schools for wireless internet. The BRAG Antenna […]
AAEM: WIFI in Schools Not Recommended
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Statement on WiFi in Schools Adverse health effects, such as learning disabilities, altered immune responses, headaches, ect. from wireless radio frequency fields do exist and are well documented in the scientific literature. Safer technology, such as using hard-wiring, must be seriously considered in schools for the safety of […]

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation
TORONTO, June 18, 2012 /CNW/ – Women’s College Hospital says family doctors must learn to detect the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation. The hospital released a statement saying the symptoms include disrupted sleep, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, memory problems, and skin rashes. These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or “EMS”. “Health-care practitioners […]

“Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter” (Giuliani et al))
“It is available, the first ICEMS’ Monograph, “Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter“, edited by Livio Giuliani and Morando Soffritti for the “European Journal of Oncology” – Library Vol. 5 of the National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases “Bernardo Ramazzini”, Bologna, Italy, 2010, […]

WI-FI Health & Enviro Effects (Havas)
From Biography Magda Havas is Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Dr. Havas received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, completed Post-Doctoral research at Cornell University, and taught at the University of Toronto before going to […]