Click here for BioInitiativeReport-RF-Color-Charts From Bioinitiative 2017 “The RF Color Charts summarize many studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI-FI, ‘smart’ wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones.” Click below for RF biological effects pertaining to cell towers, small cells, and other wireless […]
Archive | Health Alerts: Cell Towers
EMF Portal searchable database for 4G/5G studies
With over 35,000 studies in its searchable EMF database, a superb site to research biological effects of electromagnetic fields. “…EMF-Portal of the RWTH Aachen University summarizes systematically scientific research data on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). All information is made available in both English and German. The core of the EMF-Portal is an extensive […]
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, UCSD researcher: pulsed rf microwave radiation source of diplomats’ illness
Dr. Beatrice Golomb M.D., PhD, of UCSD, San Diego, CA, well-known researcher , RF radiation health effects authority: evidence shows ill American diplomats in Cuba and China, show clear symptoms of illness from pulsed rf microwave radiation. [CEP Note: 5G microwave radiation is pulsed.] Her article, “Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation” has been […]
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]

Take this simple action to stop 5G in your community! Help stop 5G small wireless cells from being installed in your residential community (Jan. 25,2019) Dear Friends of Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP), Many of you have heard that hundreds of informed, independent scientists are opposing 5G wireless cells set to be attached to light poles on all […]

Cell towers impact student brains in schools – new study
Dec. 7, 2018: Higher cell tower exposures negatively impact student cognition, impacting fine and gross motor skills, spatial working memory, and attention, concludes new study. The 2 cell towers in this study were each located .124 miles (200 meters) away from the two school buildings tested. One cell tower was five times stronger than the […]

Stop Global WIFI
Currently, a large number of technology companies are working on plans and even implementation (such as SpaceX) to offer WIFI from satellites (space), in order to make a profit and achieve global access. This is being planned seemingly without consideration for the serious health impacts, including cancers, which at least 237 scientists have warned the […]
New scientific article: Planetary electromagnetic pollution (Lancet, Dec. 1, 2018)
Planetary Health The Lancet, Authors: Priyanka Bandara, David O Carpenter An important scientific commentary urging immediate action regarding a quintillian-level increase in manmade electromagnetic rf radiation around the 1GHz frequency range, in recent decades, due to exposure to wireless devices, with references to studies indicating severe health and neurological impacts, including cancers, ADHD, and behavior, […]
18 New scientific papers about electrosmog (Nov. 2018)
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields 18 new papers on electromagnetic fields and biology or health Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, November 14, 2018 [Dr. Joel Moskowitz, UC Berkeley School of Public Health has] been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once a month since August, […]
Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine (Journal editorial, Oct 18, 2018)
CEP Note: This editorial, published in a special issue of a major scientific journal today, summarizes the results of an international forum where the latest developments in biological and health effects of EMF’s were discussed, in June, 2017. This information provided courtesy of Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. His website, […]